There are always more unique animals to learn about on our planet. Even under a single letter of the alphabet, you’ll find hundreds of wonderful species.
So, let’s look at some animals starting with the letter C. Some of them might be very familiar to you, while others are brand new!
Here are 103 animal species that start with the letter C:
1. Cabbage White

- Scientific Name: Pieris rapae
- Habitat: Open spaces worldwide
- Size: 1.25 to 1.88 inch wingspan
- Diet: Nectar
The cabbage white butterfly is native to areas of Europe near the Mediterranean Sea, but now, the species has spread to most continents. Their larvae are bright green, but they grow up to have beautiful white wings with single dark spots on them. Once they’re adults, their life expectancy is only about three weeks. These butterflies will feed on the nectar of most flowers, but they prefer flowers that are purple, blue, or yellow.
2. Cachalot

- Scientific Name: Physeter macrocephalus
- Habitat: Oceans around the world
- Size: 31,000 to 90,000 pounds
- Diet: Fish, squid, octopuses
The cachalot is another name for the sperm whale. These whales are known as the largest toothed predator and the loudest animal species. Their sounds are as loud as 230 decibels underwater. Since squids are a big part of this mammal’s diet, some scientists believe that cachalots and giant squids are natural enemies. Some of these whales have had scars shaped like the suckers on a giant squid. Cachalots can live about 70 years and don’t stop growing until about 50 years old.
3. Cackling Goose

- Scientific Name: Branta hutchinsii
- Habitat: Arctic Tundra
- Size: 2 to 6 pounds
- Diet: Plant matter
Cackling geese look like small versions of Canada geese. However, this breed’s call is distinctly different than other geese because it sounds like cackling, hence the name. These birds mate for life, and a pair of these geese will often spread out their wings and make sounds in unison to show their bond. When these geese lay eggs, the parents work together to protect the goslings. The young geese stay with the parents for about a year.
4. Cactus Wren

- Scientific Name: Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
- Habitat: Deserts of United States and Mexico
- Size: 7 to 8 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruit, seeds
The cactus wren is the state bird of Arizona, and as the name implies, it often perches on cactuses. These birds build football-shaped nests out of grass with an opening for the birds to enter. These nests are often built on cactuses to protect the young birds from predators. While the female is sitting on the eggs, the male will start building another nest in preparation for the next set of eggs.
5. California Chipmunk

- Scientific Name: Neotamias obscurus
- Habitat: Across California and Mexico
- Size: About 5 inches
- Diet: Nuts, acorns, fruit
Not many details are known about this chipmunk breed, but they’re most commonly seen in Southern California, Baja California, and some other areas of Mexico. They spend a lot of time hiding under rocks and logs when the weather is hot. They get all the water they need from the foods they eat, but they may drink water if it’s accessible to them.
6. California Condor

- Scientific Name: Gymnogyps californianus
- Habitat: Mountains of Mexico and Southeastern United States
- Size: 20 to 24 pounds, 9.5-foot wingspan
- Diet: Carrion, rodents, eggs
The California condor is considered the largest flying bird in North America, with an average wingspan of nearly 10 feet. In 1987, this species became extinct in the wild, but some have since been reintroduced to areas of North America. The species is critically endangered, with just over 300 remaining in the wild. They feast mostly on dead animals, and they can go for up to two weeks without eating if needed. When they feast on a carcass, they can store up to three pounds of meat in their crop for later.
7. California Kingsnake

- Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula californiae
- Habitat: Woodlands of Western United States and Northwestern Mexico
- Size: 3 to 5 feet long
- Diet: Rodents, frogs, small reptiles
These snakes may bite often if handled, but they are non-venomous and considered harmless to humans. They usually hiss or rattle their tails if they feel threatened. They’re a constrictor species, so they will coil tightly around their prey before eating it. They’re fairly easy to care for, so they’re one of the most common snakes in captivity. However, their handlers need to be okay with serving them a carnivorous diet.
8. California Quail

- Scientific Name: Callipepla californica
- Habitat: Open woodlands of United States’ West Coast
- Size: 5 to 7 ounces
- Diet: Seeds, leaves, plants
California quails can fly away if they feel threatened, but they spend most of their time on the ground. Like other quail species, these birds have long, fluffy feathers on the top of their heads called plumes. The plume’s main purpose is to intimidate other quails. After mating, females will usually lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, which is why quail nests sometimes have as many as 28 eggs!
9. California Sea Lion

- Scientific Name: Zalophus californianus
- Habitat: Shallow waters of Northern Pacific Ocean
- Size: 250 to 900 pounds
- Diet: Fish, squid
California sea lions spend a lot of time hunting because they need to eat about 5% to 8% of their body weight each day. They can swim faster than any other seal or sea lion, reaching up to 25 miles per hour. When hunting, they can stay underwater for up to 10 minutes without needing air. Like all sea lions, these mammals are known for their playful attitudes. They’re often seen in large groups, where they make barking sounds to communicate.
10. Canada Goose

- Scientific Name: Branta canadensis
- Habitat: Near water across North America
- Size: 6 to 14 pounds
- Diet: Grass, aquatic plants, seeds, berries
Geese need access to bodies of water to find food and swim away from predators. So, when the water starts to freeze in winter, they fly south in large groups. Depending on the weather, they may be able to fly as far as 1,500 miles in one day. They fly in a “V” shape, and they alternate which bird is leading the group. Canada geese aren’t afraid to fight if threatened, so they’ll honk and hiss to scare off people and other animals.
11. Canada Lynx

- Scientific Name: Lynx canadensis
- Habitat: Boreal forests of United States and Canada
- Size: 18 to 24 pounds
- Diet: Snowshoe hare, mice, squirrels
The Canada lynx is also known as the “climbing cat,” so if you’re near one, it’ll likely be above your head. They are quiet animals that have big paws, allowing them to easily walk on the snow. Their preferred food is the snowshoe hare, so when snowshoe hare populations are down, the Canada lynx populations suffer. When these felines have kittens, they find a hollow log or another available object to hide them in rather than building a den themselves.
12. Cane Toad

- Scientific Name: Rhinella marina
- Habitat: Grasslands of Australia, Central America, and Northern South America
- Size: About 3 pounds
- Diet: Insects, small birds, other frogs, lizards, vegetation
Cane toads are large amphibians that will eat just about anything that will fit in their mouths. They’re native to South and Central America, but there are now millions of them in Australia too. Many animals try to hunt them, but cane toads can release a milky toxin when threatened. Unfortunately, native species in Australia haven’t had time to adapt to this toxin, so they could die or become paralyzed from it. The cane toad population grows quickly, with each female toad laying up to 60,000 eggs per year.
13. Canvasback

- Scientific Name: Aythya valisineria
- Habitat: Near water across North America
- Size: 2 to 3.5 pounds
- Diet: Plants, mussels, insects
Canvasbacks spend most of their time in the water so they can dive below the surface to search for food. They even sleep while floating on the water. These birds are social with each other even outside of the breeding season, so you may see them gathering in groups of thousands. During mating season, female birds may lay their eggs in the nests of other canvasbacks.
14. Cape Lion

- Scientific Name: Panthera leo melanochaitus
- Habitat: Plains in South Africa before extinction
- Size: Up to 600 pounds
- Diet: Wildebeests, antelope, zebras, buffalo
Cape lions had been on this planet for at least 500,000 years, but they went extinct in the wild in 1858. Humans tried to keep the species alive in captivity for decades later, but their numbers continuously decreased. They went extinct before researchers could closely study them, and it’s suspected that hunting and habitat loss led to their disappearance. They can be distinguished from other lion species because the males have dark-colored manes.
15. Capybara

- Scientific Name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
- Habitat: Near freshwater in South America
- Size: 66 to 154 pounds
- Diet: Grass, bark, aquatic plants
Capybaras are known as the world’s largest rodents. They’re semi-aquatic, so they can swim and dive with ease due to their webbed feet. They graze on plants both day and night, and they only sleep for short periods. When they rest, they prefer to do it near water or while wallowing in the mud. The scientific name for capybara is from the Greek word for “water hog.”
16. Caracal

- Scientific Name: Caracal Caracal
- Habitat: Woodlands and savannas of Africa
- Size: 24 to 40 pounds
- Diet: Mice, hares, antelope
Caracals stand out from other wild cats because of their adorable tufted ears. While they may look like house cats, they’re incredibly agile. They can run up to 50 miles per hour and jump into the air to hunt birds. They have sensitive ears with 20 muscles in each ear to help them locate prey. Caracals can mark their territories by clawing at trees while releasing a scent from their paws.
17. Cardinal Beetle

- Scientific Name: Pyrochroa serraticornis
- Habitat: Woodlands in England
- Size: 9 to 20 millimeters long
- Diet: Smaller insects
Like cardinal birds, the cardinal beetle has distinct red coloring. The vibrant colors are to protect them by making predators think they’re poisonous. If you look closely, you’ll see that they have ridged antennae that are different than those of most beetles. They’re often found resting on leaves and logs to bask in the sunlight.
18. Caribou

- Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus
- Habitat: Tundras, woodlands, and mountains in the Northern Hemisphere
- Size: 200 to 700 pounds
- Diet: Moss, grass, shrubs, mushroom
Caribous are also referred to as reindeer, and there are several subspecies of them. Unlike similar-looking animals, both male and female caribou have antlers. Their coats can be different colors depending on where they’re located. The further north they live, the lighter their coats tend to be. Caribous are capable of running up to 50 miles per hour, which is most common while they’re migrating.
19. Carolina Wren

- Scientific Name: Thryothorus ludovicianus
- Habitat: Open woodlands of North America
- Size: 0.6 to 0.8 ounces
- Diet: Insects, worms, seeds
The majority of a Carolina wren’s diet consists of bugs. They will pound their curved beaks against decaying vegetation to locate insects. They’re not great at flying, so they will only travel short distances at a time. They travel in pairs, and they stay with the same bird for life. When they’re not searching for food, they’re usually singing or protecting their territory.
20. Carpet Chameleon

- Scientific Name: Furcifer lateralis
- Habitat: Humid areas of Madagascar
- Size: 10 to 14 inches long
- Diet: Small insects
Carpet chameleons have beautiful scales that resemble patterned carpet, hence the name. They are shy, docile reptiles, so they’re often kept as pets by experienced keepers. However, they get stressed very easily, and males tend to be aggressive toward other males. Despite common belief, carpet chameleons don’t change colors to blend in with their surroundings. Instead, their colors shift based on mood and environmental changes.
21. Carpet Python

- Scientific Name: Morelia spilota
- Habitat: Across Australia
- Size: 6 to 9 feet long
- Diet: Rodents, marsupials, birds, lizards
Like carpet chameleons, carpet pythons got their name because their scales look similar to woven carpets. They’re not venomous, but they can deliver a painful bite if threatened. When hunting, they have pits on their heads that allow them to sense warm-blooded prey. Once they grab the prey, they wrap their bodies around it to suffocate it. However, they’re usually docile and can make good pets for cautious keepers.
22. Cecropia Moth

- Scientific Name: Hyalophora cecropia
- Habitat: Hardwood forests of Eastern North America
- Size: 5 to 7 inch wingspan
- Diet: N/A
The cecropia moth caterpillar eats a variety of leaves, but as adults, these moths are unable to eat because they don’t have digestive tracts. They only live a few weeks, giving them just enough time to mate and reproduce before they perish. As soon as a female moth emerges from her cocoon, she attracts a male using pheromones. Most moths will mate within their first day of adulthood.
23. Cedar Waxwing

- Scientific Name: Bombycilla cedrorum
- Habitat: Woodlands of North America
- Size: 5.5 to 6.7 inches long
- Diet: Berries, insects
This species gets its name because of the “waxy red secretions” that come from the tips of some birds. It’s unclear what the purpose of the waxy substance is. Cedar waxwings are one of the few North American birds that can survive off fruit alone. They can survive for months by only eating fruit. They digest fruits differently than most birds because they will eat the seeds with the fruit. However, consuming overripe fruit has caused many of these birds to become ill or die.
24. Chaco Tortoise

- Scientific Name: Chelonoidis chilensis
- Habitat: Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia
- Size: 6 to 8 inches long
- Diet: Grass, fruit, shrubs
The Chaco tortoise is a rare reptile species found in the Chaco regions of South America. They’re small tortoises that can be easy to care for if kept in captivity. They hibernate during the winter and estivate in the summer, so they’re only active in the spring and fall. To survive in hot, dry climates, they can dig burrows to keep themselves cool.
25. Chamois

- Scientific Name: Rupicapra rupicapra
- Habitat: Rocky terrain of Europe
- Size: 55 to 130 pounds
- Diet: Grass, herbs, bark
Chamois is a species of goat-like antelope that lives on mountains. They’re incredibly agile, so they can jump about 6.5 feet in the air and 20 feet lengthwise. They can also run about 31 miles per hour, even on bumpy terrain. Males spend most of their time alone while females live in herds of 15 to 30 animals, including their young. These creatures can give a warning signal to others by stamping their feet on the ground while making a whistling sound.
26. Channel Catfish

- Scientific Name: Ictalurus punctatus
- Habitat: Freshwater of North America
- Size: 40 to 50 pounds
- Diet: Fish, snails, clams
The channel catfish has an excellent sense of smell and taste, so these fish can locate prey even in dark areas of the water. Since it can be difficult to see in some areas of the water, they use chemical communication and sounds to interact with other fish. They can even make a loud sound to scare off predators and warn other catfish.
27. Chartreux

- Scientific Name: Felis catus
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 6 to 14 pounds
- Diet: Domestic cat food
Chartreux is a French cat breed with a distinct blue/gray coat. They’re an easy-going feline breed that often has a silly personality. They’re considered a rare breed, so finding one can be difficult. These cats aren’t as vocal as other felines if something is bothering them, so you’ll need to rely on their body language to find out if something’s wrong. They’re often timid, especially around unfamiliar humans and animals.
28. Cheetah

- Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
- Habitat: Grasslands of Africa and Southern Asia
- Size: 88 to 140 pounds
- Diet: Gazelle, wildebeests, hares
Cheetahs are famous for being the fastest land animals, reaching up to 60 miles per hour. However, their stamina isn’t as impressive, so they only sprint for about a minute at a time. They can go from 0 to 60 mph in only three seconds, which is faster than a sports car can accelerate. Their lifestyle is the opposite of lions because males live in large groups while females are more solitary.
29. Cherry Shrimp

- Scientific Name: Neocaridina davidi
- Habitat: Freshwater streams of Taiwan
- Size: 1.25 to 1.5 inches
- Diet: Algae, pollen, decaying plant matter
Cherry shrimp are often kept as pets because of their gorgeous red color and their simple care requirements. They’re considered peaceful creatures that will graze on plants and moss both day and night. There are different variants of cherry shrimp that have different coloring. Regular cherry shrimp usually have the dullest colors while “painted fire red” cherry shrimp are the most vibrant.
30. Chicken Snake

- Scientific Name: Spilotes pullatus
- Habitat: Forests of Mexico
- Size: 4 to 7 feet long
- Diet: Small mammals, birds, lizards
These snakes are beneficial to humans because they can help get rid of pests like mice and rats. Their name is deceiving because chickens are normally too big for them to hunt, but they may eat baby chicks if the opportunity presents itself. When threatened, these snakes can puff up their necks like a cobra to scare away other animals. If needed, they may also deliver a painful bite, but luckily, they’re not venomous.
31. Chilean Recluse Spider

- Scientific Name: Loxosceles laeta
- Habitat: Across South America
- Size: 8 to 40 millimeters
- Diet: Small insects, other spiders
Chilean recluse spiders are considered one of the most dangerous spider species. They rarely bite unless threatened, but their venom can cause severe skin irritation and a blister if a human gets bitten. It may take a few hours for symptoms of this spider bite to appear, but if not treated, it could cause skin disease or death. When they bite their prey, it becomes paralyzed by the venom before the spider eats it.
32. Chimango Caracara

- Scientific Name: Phalcoboenus chimango
- Habitat: Open habitats of South America
- Size: 6 to 10 ounces, 31 to 39 inch wingspan
- Diet: Carrion, small mammals
Chimango caracaras will feast on anything they can find, which is why their diet mostly consists of dead animals. They may also take eggs from the nests of other animals if they can. They often hang out in flocks of up to 30 birds. Unlike similar species, these birds build their nests from scratch using materials they find. Their nests are usually found on cliffs or poles.
33. Chimpanzee

- Scientific Name: Pan troglodytes
- Habitat: Forests of Central Africa
- Size: 57 to 154 pounds
- Diet: Fruits, seeds, insects
Chimpanzees are one of the animals closest related to humans because they have 98% of the same DNA. After humans, they’re suspected to be the most intelligent animals on the planet. They’ve displayed emotions and problem-solving skills. Some have even built tools to help them survive. They’re very social animals that love to play, groom, and feed with other chimpanzees. They are highly territorial and may kill primates that are not in their group if needed.
34. Chinchilla

- Scientific Name: Chinchilla Lanigera
- Habitat: Andes Mountains
- Size: 14 to 18 ounces
- Diet: Fruits, nuts, seeds
While most people think of Chinchillas as domesticated pets, they can also be found in the wild near the Andes Mountains in South America. Chinchillas are known for having the densest hair of all land mammals. They have about 20,000 tiny hairs on every square inch of their body. Due to their thick coats, it’s rare for bugs to bite them. Their soft coats also require them to bathe in dust instead of water. Getting their fur wet could cause hypothermia or fungi.
35. Chinese Alligator

- Scientific Name: Alligator sinensis
- Habitat: Yangtze River Basin
- Size: 80 to 100 pounds
- Diet: Fish, small mammals, water birds
This is the only alligator species found outside of North, Central, and South America. Humans are a huge threat to these reptiles, so they hunt at night to avoid them. Chinese alligators can dig intricate burrows so they can hide and hibernate during the coldest months. Like some of the other reptile species, the sex of young alligators can be caused by temperature. Eggs incubated in lower temperatures are more likely to be female while higher temperatures usually produce males.
36. Chinese Crested Dog

- Scientific Name: Canis familiaris
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 5 to 12 pounds
- Diet: Domestic dog food
Chinese crested dogs are the most well-known hairless dog breed. They’re usually naked everywhere besides their heads, paws, and tails. However, they can come in furry versions, known as “powderpuffs.” Despite the breed’s name, it’s believed that these dogs originated in Africa before being brought to China. They’re one of the best options for people with allergies.
37. Chinese Giant Salamander

- Scientific Name: Andrias davidianus
- Habitat: Rivers and streams in China
- Size: 55 to 66 pounds
- Diet: Fish, frogs, worms, insects, snails
Chinese giant salamanders are some of the largest amphibians in the world, reaching up to six feet in length. These creatures are considered “living fossils” because they’ve been around even before the dinosaurs. They spend most of their time underwater, but they don’t have gills. Instead, they can take in oxygen through their skin. Their bodies are colored like rocks, allowing these salamanders to blend in perfectly at the bottom of a river.
38. Chinese Goose

- Scientific Name: Anser cygnoides
- Habitat: Farms in Asia
- Size: 9 to 22 pounds
- Diet: Grass
Chinese geese are domesticated birds that usually live on farms. They are great at removing weeds from farmers’ properties, and they’re decent egg layers. These birds can be distinguished by the “knob” on the top of their beaks, which are more prominent on males. Like most geese, these birds are loud, and if they aren’t raised around humans, they may become aggressive.
39. Chinese Paddlefish

- Scientific Name: Psephurus gladius
- Habitat: Freshwater in China
- Size: 600 to 1,000 pounds
- Diet: Fish, shrimp, crabs
Human activity caused these unique fish to become critically endangered, and it’s likely that they’re now extinct. Chinese paddlefish were rarely used for meat, but their eggs were considered a delicacy. These creatures first evolved about 200 million years ago, and the fish’s large snout has been with the species since ancient times. Some people call this species the “elephant fish” because the snout resembles an elephant trunk.
40. Chinese Water Dragon

- Scientific Name: Physignathus cocincinus
- Habitat: Lowland forests of Southeast Asia
- Size: 2 to 3 feet long
- Diet: Insects, worms, small mice
Chinese water dragons are common pets, but they also exist in the wild near China. These lizards spend most of their time on land and in trees near water. If they feel threatened, they may drop out of trees into the water so they can safely swim away. Their long tails help them swim, but they can also be used as a weapon against predators. They may also display aggression by puffing up their throats, bobbing their heads, and chasing each other.
41. Chinstrap Penguin

- Scientific Name: Pygoscelis Antarcticus
- Habitat: Antarctic islands
- Size: 6 to 13 pounds
- Diet: Krill, fish, shrimp
Chinstrap penguins hold the record for the largest penguin colony. A group of about 1.2 million breeding pairs was found on the Zavodovski Island in the Atlantic Ocean. So, that one island has significantly more penguins than San Francisco has people! Most chinstrap penguins mate for life, but they’re also one of the most aggressive penguin breeds. So, they can often be seen quarreling with each other and making loud sounds.
42. Chipping Sparrow

- Scientific Name: Spizella passerina
- Habitat: Woodlands of North America
- Size: About 5 inches long
- Diet: Insects, caterpillars, spiders, seeds
These sparrows got their names after the chipping sounds they make, especially around bird feeders. They’re often seen picking up seeds on the ground beneath the feeder. They will eat as much as they can, and they may eat up to 70 times their weight during the winter. Instead of molting twice a year like most birds, chipping sparrows can molt and regrow the feathers around their face up to six times a year.
43. Chital

- Scientific Name: Axis axis
- Habitat: Forests of India
- Size: 70 to 160 pounds
- Diet: Grass, leaves, fruit
The chital, also known as the spotted deer, is only native to India. They’re cautious creatures that try to avoid danger as much as possible. If they sense a threat, they will freeze in place and listen for sounds. Other chitals will often copy a deer that’s standing still. If needed, they can scale 5-foot fences, but they usually avoid jumping. As a precaution, they always stay within 980 feet of a place to take cover.
44. Christmas Island Red Crab

- Scientific Name: Gecarcoidea natalis
- Habitat: Across Christmas Island, Australia
- Size: About 17 ounces
- Diet: Fruits, snails, dead animals
Christmas Island red crabs spend their time on the shore, but they still breathe through gills. So, they need to stay moist to survive. If these crabs cross the road, they put themselves and vehicles in danger because their bodies are hard enough to puncture tires. So, the government has built tunnels for crabs to cross in some areas, and certain roads may even close during this species’ migration.
45. Chow Chow

- Scientific Name: Canis familiaris
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 45 to 70 pounds
- Diet: Domestic dog food
Chow chows look like they’d be the most cuddly dogs, but they’re more independent than most dog breeds. They’d rather guard the house than have the attention focused on them. They were bred in ancient China as working dogs, so they’re strong with a stocky build. They’re best for an experienced owner because they require lots of training and grooming.
46. Chukar

- Scientific Name: Alectoris chukar
- Habitat: Deserts of Western United States and New Zealand
- Size: About 1 pound
- Diet: Seeds, grass, insects
Hunters call this species the “devil bird” because it can run away as fast as a mountain goat, making it difficult to catch. They usually live in areas where water is scarce, so they will take advantage of any water source they can find. They bathe in dust to keep their feathers soft and shiny. They’re almost always found on the ground because they only fly when they feel threatened.
47. Cinereous Vulture

- Scientific Name: Aegypius monachus
- Habitat: Mountainous areas of Asia and Europe
- Size: 18 to 31 pounds, 9.5-foot wingspan
- Diet: Small animals, carrion
Cinereous vultures are often seen at high elevations because they have adapted to be able to take in more oxygen when they’re higher in the air. They mostly scavenge for carrion and sickly young animals. They’ll even feast on human bodies after a sky burial. They don’t migrate, but they will fly up to 46 miles away from their roost just to find food.
48. Cinnamon Ferret

- Scientific Name: Mustela furo
- Habitat: Grasslanda of North America
- Size: 12 to 16 inches
- Diet: Mice, bird’s eggs, small rabbits
While ferrets are most commonly found as pets, they still exist in the wild. Cinnamon ferrets are a rare type of ferret with a red/brown tint to their white fur. They’re difficult to care for because they require a carnivorous diet. These ferrets are social creatures that prefer to be kept with others of their kind. A group of ferrets is called a “business.” Cinnamon ferrets may become aggressive if a larger pet, such as a dog or cat, won’t leave them alone.
49. Cinnamon Teal

- Scientific Name: Anas cyanoptera
- Habitat: Wetlands of Western North America
- Size: 13 to 14 ounces
- Diet: Seeds, zooplankton, aquatic vegetation, insects
Male cinnamon teals have gorgeous red/brown feathers similar to the color of cinnamon. However, females have dull brown feathers, similar to other duck species. These birds can be very territorial and will even chase away birds of their species if they feel threatened. Females build their nests under dead marsh grasses so the eggs cannot be seen from any angle.
50. Clark’s Anemonefish

- Scientific Name: Amphiprion clarkii
- Habitat: Tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean
- Size: 10 to 15 centimeters long
- Diet: Zooplankton, algae, small shrimp
Clark’s anemonefish is a type of clownfish that usually only has two white stripes. Their bodies are dark-colored while their faces are the bright orange color that people are familiar with. These fish have a hierarchy where the largest, most aggressive fish is in charge, which is usually a female. When these fish are born, they start as males but become females as they age.
51. Cliff Chipmunk

- Scientific Name: Tamias dorsalis
- Habitat: Along cliff walls of Western United States and Mexico
- Size: 8 to 10 inches long
- Diet: Berries, seeds, acorns
While these rodents may spend time in trees like other chipmunks, they’re most often seen climbing cliffs and rocky terrain. They live in altitudes of 5,000 to 12,000 feet above sea level. They’re agile critters that can scale rocks up to three feet tall. Instead of gaining body fat to prepare for winter, these chipmunks create a stash of food to save for when food is scarce. They may migrate seasonally to find better food.
52. Clouded Leopard

- Scientific Name: Neofelis nebulosa
- Habitat: Forests and jungles of Southeast Asia
- Size: 24 to 66 pounds
- Diet: Monkey, rodents, small deer
Clouded leopards are like a mix of small and big cats. Not only is their size in between the two, but they also share behaviors of both types of felines. They purr and meow like small cats, but they’re also capable of roaring and growling. Their teeth are the longest of all felines in relation to body size, growing to about two inches long. Males can be twice are large as females, which is the biggest gender size difference of any cat species.
53. Clown Triggerfish

- Scientific Name: Balistoides conspicillum
- Habitat: Tropical waters of Pacific and Indian Oceans
- Size: About 19 inches long
- Diet: Sea urchins, crustaceans, mollusks
The clown triggerfish has strong jaws to help it break into the hard-shelled invertebrates that it loves to eat. The wide teeth of this fish never stop growing. This species is named after its unique patterns of spots because it looks like it’s wearing clown makeup. Their bright colors make them desirable for large aquariums. However, male triggerfish are highly territorial and spend most of their time alone outside of mating.
54. Clydesdale

- Scientific Name: Equus caballus
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 1,700 to 2,200 pounds
- Diet: Hay, domestic horse feed
The Clydesdale is a popular horse breed from Scotland, and it’s also one of the largest horse breeds. These horses have “feathering,” which is when longer hair grows on the horse’s ankles. They were once a popular war horse due to their size, weight, and calm temperament. Today, many people believe this horse is an endangered breed, with only about 5,000 registered
55. Coachwhip Snake

- Scientific Name: Masticophis flagellum
- Habitat: Sandy soils of United States and Mexico
- Size: 3 to 8 feet long
- Diet: Rodents, birds, insects, lizards
Coachwhip snakes are common in the wild, but they’re non-venomous and are not a big threat to humans. These snakes are considered the fastest in the Americas, reaching four miles per hour. There’s a myth that they get their name because they can whip a person to death with their tails. However, that’s false. They get their name simply because they resemble a whip used to drive a horse coach.
56. Cobia

- Scientific Name: Rachycentron canadum
- Habitat: Warm and tropical oceans
- Size: 75 to 135 pounds
- Diet: Fish, crabs, squid
The cobia is a long, beautiful fish, but it’s often a delicacy because its meat has a sweet, buttery taste while also being nutritious. These fish are often mistaken for remoras, but they don’t have the sucker on the top of their heads as remoras do. Cobias also don’t have a swim bladder like most fish. Each time a female spawns, she lays 375,000 to 2 million eggs. So, despite being hunted often, these fish still have a large population.
57. Cockatiel

- Scientific Name: Nymphicus hollandicus
- Habitat: Across Australia
- Size: 2.5 to 4.5 ounces
- Diet: Insects
Cockatiels are common domesticated birds, but they can be found in the wild in Australia. They are the smallest cockatoo species, although they were once thought to be a type of parakeet. Cockatiels have crests on their heads that rise and fall depending on how they’re feeling. When their crest is tall, that means they’re excited, but when it’s flat, the bird may feel angry. The famous orange patches beneath the bird’s eyes are often called “cheddar cheeks.”
58. Coconut Octopus

- Scientific Name: Amphioctopus marginatus
- Habitat: Tropical waters of western Pacific Ocean
- Size: 7 to 9 ounces
- Diet: Shrimp, crabs, clams
This is a tiny octopus species that’s usually no longer than three inches. It gets its name because these octopuses use hollowed-out coconut shells as dens to protect themselves. They may also use objects of similar shapes, such as clam shells. Sometimes, they’ll even pick up and use trash they find. They’re believed to be one of two octopus species that are capable of moving around using only two limbs.
59. Collared Peccary

- Scientific Name: Pecari tajacu
- Habitat: Deserts and Rainforests of Central and South America
- Size: 20 to 60 pounds
- Diet: Roots, fruit, insects, small lizards
The collared peccary might look like a pig or boar, but since its skeleton is so different from a pig, it belongs to a different family called javelinas. Collared peccaries evolved from pig-like ancestors 30 million years ago. However, they are treated similarly to pigs because humans hunt them, raise them on farms, and keep them as pets. When they want to cool down, they dig up soil to find mud to lay in.
60. Collett’s Snake

- Scientific Name: Pseudechis colletti
- Habitat: Across Queensland, Australia
- Size: 6 to 7 feet long
- Diet: Amphibians, reptiles, small mammals
Collett’s snakes are one of the 20 most venomous snakes in the world. One bite could be fatal and lead to kidney damage if not treated with antivenom. The bright scales on their bellies make them easy to spot, but they’re more commonly seen in captivity than in the wild. They’re more likely to slither away than attack humans, so they usually hide in trees or under objects on the ground.
61. Colombian White-Faced Capuchin

- Scientific Name: Cebus capucinus
- Habitat: Tropical forests of Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia
- Size: About 4 pounds
- Diet: Insects, fruits, nuts, small lizards
These mammals are social creatures that are often found with 18 to 20 of their kind. They communicate using a wide variety of sounds, including chirps, coughs, barks, and whistles. As they climb in trees, they often use their tails to grab onto branches. They might look cute, but they can be dangerous if they feel threatened. They have sharp teeth and claws that they aren’t afraid to use.
62. Colorado Potato Beetle

- Scientific Name: Leptinotarsa decemlineata
- Habitat: Fields of United States and Mexico
- Size: 0.2 to 0.4 inches
- Diet: Potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes
These beetles are named after the plant they feed on most often. So, they’re considered a pest because their larvae can cause significant damage to potatoes and the other plants they eat. When the larvae hatch, they’re bright red, but as they grow up, they get orange and black stripes. During the winter, these beetles burrow 5 to 10 inches in the ground, usually near potato plants.
63. Common Basilisk

- Scientific Name: Basiliscus basiliscus
- Habitat: Tropical rainforests of Central and South America
- Size: 2 to 2.5 feet long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, small lizards
The common basilisk and similar species are sometimes called “Jesus lizards” because they can run across water briefly when escaping predators. Younger basilisks can hold their bodies above the water longer than older ones. These lizards spend most of their time alone as they search for prey and bask in the sunlight during the day. Then, they rest in trees up to 65 feet high at night.
64. Common Buzzard

- Scientific Name: Buteo buteo
- Habitat: Woodlands of Africa, Europe, and Asia
- Size: 1 to 3 pounds, 3.5 to 4.5 foot wingspan
- Diet: Rodents, reptiles, carrion
Some people refer to these birds as “tourist eagles” because many tourists mistake these common raptors for eagles. They will eat just about anything they can find, and they often find creative ways to hunt. When a common buzzard is flying, it can hear mice moving in the grass. If buzzards are having a hard time finding food, they may stomp their feet on the ground to get worms to come closer to the surface.
65. Common Chameleon

- Scientific Name: Chamaeleo chamaeleon
- Habitat: Across Europe and Africa
- Size: 8 to 16 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruit
The common chameleon, also known as the Mediterranean chameleon, is the only species in the chameleon family that exists naturally in Europe. Like most chameleons, these reptiles spend most of their time in trees and catch insects using their long tongues. When they move, they sway slightly to prevent predators from spotting them. If they get into a territorial fight with another chameleon, they may move significantly faster.
66. Common Crane

- Scientific Name: Grus grus
- Habitat: Across Europe and Western Asia
- Size: 6.6 to 13 pounds
- Diet: Insects, worms, plants, frogs
These cranes are social birds that can travel in flocks of up to 400 birds when migrating. Before migration, they sometimes molt all their feathers, preventing them from flying for up to six weeks. If humans approach their nest, they will try to distract them, but if a smaller animal approaches, they may attack. The chicks freeze when they sense danger because their brown feathers help them blend into their surroundings.
67. Common European Adder

- Scientific Name: Vipera berus
- Habitat: Across Europe and Northern Asia
- Size: 2 to 3 feet long
- Diet: Small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, bird eggs
These adders are one of the few snake species where the females appear different than the males. Females usually have brown scales while males appear closer to black or gray. These snakes have hinged fangs with venom glands that they may use if they feel threatened. Luckily, most common European adder bites are minor and easy to treat.
68. Common Frog

- Scientific Name: Rana temporaria
- Habitat: Marshes of Europe
- Size: 0.7 to 2.8 ounces
- Diet: Insects, worms, spiders
Common frogs can change the colors of their skin like a chameleon can. If they sense danger, their skin may turn lighter or darker to help them blend into their surroundings. When searching for food, they can detect bugs, especially worms, by using their sense of smell. When young frogs are developing from their aquatic form into their land form, they’ll mature faster in warmer climates.
69. Common Fruit Fly

- Scientific Name: Drosophila melanogaster
- Habitat: Temperate regions around the world
- Size: About 3 millimeters long
- Diet: Fruit, sugary substances
Fruit flies are most attracted to fruit that’s overly ripe. If they find rotting fruit, they will lay their eggs inside the fruit so the larvae will have food once they hatch. These insects can use their antennae to locate fermenting fruit. The damper and stickier an environment is, the more likely fruit flies are to hang out there. Common fruit flies don’t bite humans, but many people consider them a pest.
70. Common Genet

- Scientific Name: Genetta genetta
- Habitat: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Size: 2.2 to 4.4 pounds
- Diet: Small mammals, birds, eggs
Common genets are cat-like animals that look like they’re wearing a mask due to the black markings under their eyes. They have retractable claws, so they’re able to climb trees effortlessly. However, they spend most of their time on the ground, only climbing trees to look for food and escape predators. They can communicate with other genets using scents and body language.
71. Common Green Bottle Fly

- Scientific Name: Lucilia sericata
- Habitat: Temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere
- Size: 0.39 to 0.55 inches
- Diet: Dead animals, feces, decomposing plants
Green bottle flies are slightly larger than house flies, and they’re distinguished by their shiny green exterior. While they don’t bite humans, they’re considered a pest because of the diseases they could spread. They feed off feces, carcasses, garbage, and other unsafe materials. So, if this species is not controlled, they could cause humans to get sick if they land on food.
72. Common House Martin

- Scientific Name: Delichon urbicum
- Habitat: Open areas of Europe, Africa, and Asia
- Size: 13 to 14 centimeters
- Diet: Insects
These birds get their name because they regularly build nests on houses and other manmade structures. They spend most of the day hunting while flying, so they seek out flying insects. They hunt about 70 feet in the air, and they usually stay close to their nest. They’re noisy birds that have a variety of unique chirps used to communicate with each other.
73. Common House Spider

- Scientific Name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum
- Habitat: Worldwide
- Size: 0.15 to 0.24 inches
- Diet: Small insects
These house spiders are one of the most common arachnids you’ll find in the corners of your home. If they can’t find enough insects to eat in one area, they’ll find somewhere else to stay. They may eat as often as four times a day. Their dark colors make it easy for them to blend in with wood and furniture. While they have some venom, their bites are considered harmless to humans and pets.
74. Common Loon

- Scientific Name: Gavia Immer
- Habitat: Freshwater lakes in Canada
- Size: 6 to 11 pounds
- Diet: Fish, frogs, insects
This famous bird is located on the face of Canada’s one-dollar coin, also known as the “loonie.” These birds are graceful in the water but clumsy on land, which is why you’ll usually see them swimming. When hunting fish, they can dive as deep as 200 feet below the surface. Every year, these birds return to the same nest and mate during mating season. If they’re protecting their territory, they may let out a loud yodel sound.
75. Common Octopus

- Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris
- Habitat: Tropical and temperate waters worldwide
- Size: Up to 22 pounds
- Diet: Crabs, clams, small fish
The common octopus is one of the most intelligent species on the planet. Researchers have experienced these unusual creatures using problem-solving skills. When they touch objects with the suctions on their tentacles, they can taste whatever they are touching. These octopuses are also capable of changing the color of their skin to blend in with their surroundings better.
76. Common Ostrich

- Scientific Name: Struthio camelus
- Habitat: Savannas of Africa
- Size: 140 to 320 pounds
- Diet: Roots, flowers, fruits, insects
The common ostrich is the ostrich species that most people are familiar with. They’re the world’s largest birds, but they can’t fly at all. Instead of flying, ostriches can sprint for up to 45 miles per hour to escape predators. They’re not quite as fast as cheetahs, but they’re still one of the fastest land animals. Ostriches can also use their legs to kick predators with a powerful force. Luckily, they have great eyesight, so they can usually hide from a threat before needing to run or attack.
77. Common Potoo

- Scientific Name: Nyctibius griseus
- Habitat: Lowlands of Southern Central American and Northern South America
- Size: 0.35 to 0.42 pounds
- Diet: Insects
The common potoo’s brown feathers are patterned to help it blend in with the branches of trees. When this bird closes its eyes and tilts its head up, it’s near impossible to distinguish it from a dead tree branch. These birds can hold that position all day as they wait for prey to fly past. Even with their eyes closed, they can see the movement of insects in front of them. They have huge mouths so they can gobble up large groups of insects at once.
78. Common Raven

- Scientific Name: Corvus corax
- Habitat: Most areas of the Northern Hemisphere
- Size: 1.5 to 3.6 pounds
- Diet: Insects, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals
Ravens are known for having bigger brains than any other bird. They’ve even been spotted notifying wolves of animal carcasses so the wolves can tear the carcasses open for the ravens. While they’re often associated with spooky scenes, they’re actually playful birds that are fascinated by shiny objects. They usually travel alone, but if they’re seen in a flock, that group of ravens is called an “unkindness.”
79. Common Redpoll

- Scientific Name: Acanthis flammea
- Habitat: Boreal forests across Canada and Northern United States
- Size: 4.7 to 5.5 inches
- Diet: Seeds, vegetable matter
The majority of a common redpoll’s diet consists of birch seeds. They have a pouch in their throats where they can temporarily store seeds. These birds can eat up to 42% of their body mass each day. They’re capable of surviving temperatures as low as -65 degrees Fahrenheit. They will often create burrows in the snow during cold months to protect themselves from frigid winds.
80. Common Snapping Turtle

- Scientific Name: Chelydra serpentina
- Habitat: Freshwater in Eastern North America
- Size: 10 to 35 pounds
- Diet: Insects, worms, fish, dead animals
Common snapping turtles spend most of their time hiding in muddy shallow water rather than swimming in deep water. They can bite with a force of 209 N, which is much less than the force of a human bite, but it can do lots of damage compared to other turtle species. If pulled out of the water, they may become aggressive and try to bite, but they will not go out of their way to harm humans.
81. Common Spotted Cuscus

- Scientific Name: Spilocuscus maculatus
- Habitat: Rainforests of Australia
- Size: 4 to 13 pounds
- Diet: Leaves, fruits, insects
This species is a marsupial that’s about the size of a house cat. They’re shy and prefer to hide from humans as much as possible. They spend most of their time in trees with the help of their prehensile tails and curved claws. Even though most of this animal’s body is covered in fur, the bottom of the tail has scales to improve grip. As cuscuses grow, their fur and eye colors may change drastically.
82. Common Toad

- Scientific Name: Bufo Bufo
- Habitat: Marshes across Europe
- Size: 4 inches to 7 inches
- Diet: Insects, worms, spiders
Even though there are millions of common toads across Europe, many of them are killed by traffic during their migration periods. They usually waddle, which doesn’t allow them to cross the street at a rapid pace. These toads were once associated with witches, and people thought they had magical powers. So, whenever one was spotted in a house, it was commonly believed that the residents of that home were witches.
83. Cooper’s Hawk

- Scientific Name: Accipiter cooperii
- Habitat: Woodlands of North America
- Size: 1 to 1.5 pounds, 29 to 37 inch wingspan
- Diet: Small mammals, birds
Cooper’s hawk, also commonly known as a chicken hawk, is a patient predator that waits in the trees before capturing its prey. They usually only hunt early in the morning, so it’s rare to see them later in the day. They return to the same breeding area every year, but they don’t use the same exact nest. When they’re born, they have yellow eyes that become darker as they age. Some adult hawks even have orange or red eyes.
84. Corn Snake

- Scientific Name: Pantherophis guttatus
- Habitat: Across the United States
- Size: 2 to 6 feet long
- Diet: Rodents, young birds, eggs
Corn snakes are harmless reptiles that are often kept as pets. They’re not venomous, but they can bite and release an unpleasant smell if threatened. They have long, slender bodies that are excellent for climbing. They’re often found in unusual places, such as high in trees or in burrows underground. When they capture prey, they wrap their bodies around it to suffocate it.
85. Cornish Rex

- Scientific Name: Felis catus
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 5 to 10 pounds
- Diet: Domestic cat food
Cornish rex cats are sometimes hairless, but if they have hair, their coats are very thin and wavy. They’re skinny, athletic cats that are known for being social, friendly felines. They’re also more trainable than most cat species, so they’re great for dog lovers looking for a cat. Since they have little hair, their skin is sensitive, making it more prone to sunburn, frostbite, and skin irritation.
86. Corsac Fox

- Scientific Name: Vulpes corsac
- Habitat: Desert-like areas of Central Asia
- Size: 3.5 to 7 pounds
- Diet: Rodents, insects, birds
Corsac foxes are small nocturnal mammals with light gray fur. They have hooked claws that allow them to climb trees and dig burrows. However, they’re more likely to inhabit abandoned burrows from other animals than dig their own. Since these creatures adapted to areas where water is scarce, they’re able to get the moisture they need from their prey.
87. Cottonmouth

- Scientific Name: Agkistrodon piscivorus
- Habitat: Wetland habitats of Southeastern United States
- Size: 2 to 6 feet long
- Diet: Fish, rodents, frogs, eggs
The cottonmouth snake is also known as the water moccasin. They’re semi-aquatic snakes, so they can sometimes be found swimming in freshwater and saltwater. Female cottonmouths do not require a male to reproduce and may often reproduce asexually. They’re venomous snakes that will shake their tails, open their mouths, and lift their heads before striking. They release less venom when attacking threats than when capturing prey.
88. Cotton-Top Tamarin

- Scientific Name: Saguinus Oedipus
- Habitat: Tropical rainforests of Colombia
- Size: 8 to 32 ounces
- Diet: Insects, fruit, rodents
The tails of cotton-top tamarins aren’t capable of grabbing onto trees, so these animals rely on their claws for climbing. They’re capable of jumping up to 10 feet to get from one tree to the next. They live in groups of about nine tamarins, which usually include a mating pair, their children, and possibly other relatives. They are intelligent creatures that have been seen treating the animals in their groups differently based on past actions.
89. Cougar

- Scientific Name: Puma concolor
- Habitat: Mountains and forests of North America
- Size: 64 to 200 pounds
- Diet: Deer, elk, beavers
Cougars, also known as mountain lions, aren’t able to roar like other cats because they don’t have the larynx that other felines have. Instead, they make a variety of other sounds, such as growls, hisses, and chirps. They spend most of their time alone unless they’re a mother raising kittens. On occasion, they may choose to share their freshly-killed prey with others of their kind.
90. Cow

- Scientific Name: Bos taurus
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 1,600 to 2,400
- Diet: Grass, domestic cow feed
The term “cow” only refers to female cattle who have given birth to a calf while males are usually called “bulls” or “steer.” “Heifer” is the proper term for a female who hasn’t given birth. There are over 800 cattle breeds, and not all of them are used for the same purpose. Cows can almost see 360 degrees, but they struggle to see objects that are directly in front of them. They also have a great sense of smell, and they may be able to smell objects that are six miles away.
91. Coyote

- Scientific Name: Canis latrans
- Habitat: Forests and Deserts of North America
- Size: 15 to 46 pounds
- Diet: Rabbits, mice, deer, rabbits
Coyotes play many roles in our society. Some people are mesmerized by their unique howling while others see them as a pest. In North American folklore, these canines were seen as a symbol of deceit. They usually stay in small groups, and they can travel for several miles each day. They’re believed to be the most vocal animals in North America due to the wide variety of sounds they make for alarms, greetings, and other purposes.
92. Coypu

- Scientific Name: Myocastor coypus
- Habitat: Swamps of South America
- Size: 12 to 14 pounds
- Diet: Plants, bark, vegetables
The coypu, also known as the nutria, is smaller than a beaver but bigger than a muskrat. These mammals are semi-aquatic rodents that are considered pests because they damage thousands of acres in marshes. They often dive to find food, and they can stay underwater for up to five minutes. They can be distinguished from similar species because their long front teeth are usually yellow, orange, or red.
93. Crabeater Seal

- Scientific Name: Lobodon carcinophaga
- Habitat: Antarctica
- Size: 440 to 660 pounds
- Diet: Krill
The name of this species is deceiving because they don’t eat crabs at all. Instead, they only eat krill. They may compete with baleen whales to get as much krill as they can. These seals are suspected to have the most complex teeth of all predators. Their teeth are jagged and intricate to filter the krill. When seal pups are born, they can gain as much as 10 pounds of weight per day to help insulate them from the cold.
94. Crab-Eating Fox

- Scientific Name: Cerdocyon thous
- Habitat: Across Northern South America
- Size: 10 to 17 pounds
- Diet: Crabs, rodents, birds, insects
This mammal gets its name because it spends a lot of time searching muddy areas for crabs. However, crab-eating foxes aren’t picky and will hunt just about anything they can find. During the day, these foxes stay in a burrow, and then they come out at night to find food. They prefer to live in burrows dug by other animals rather than digging some themselves even though they’re capable of doing it.
95. Crested Caracara

- Scientific Name: Caracara cheriway
- Habitat: Grasslands of South America, Central America, and Southern North America
- Size: About 2.3 pounds
- Diet: Fish, insects, small mammals, carrion
The crested caracara is a tropical falcon that usually flies low to the ground or walks. They can catch live prey, but they usually feed on creatures that are already dead. While most falcons lay their eggs in nests they find, these birds collect materials to build their own nests. Young caracaras start out with dull legs and beaks, but their beaks turn bright orange as they age.
96. Crested Gecko

- Scientific Name: Correlophus ciliatus
- Habitat: Rainforests in New Caledonia
- Size: 6 to 10 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, fruit
While crested geckos can be found across a small area in the wild, they’re also one of the most popular lizards to keep as a pet. They’re known for the frills above their eyes that look like eyelashes. These are one of the few lizard species that can’t regenerate their tails if they’re lost. So, a lot of wild crested geckos don’t have tails. They use their feet and tail to help them cling to walls and branches. They don’t have any eyelids, so they keep their eyes clean by licking them.
97. Crown-of-Thorns Starfish

- Scientific Name: Acanthaster planci
- Habitat: Indo-Pacific region
- Size: 25 to 35 centimeters
- Diet: Polyps of corals
The crown-of-thorns starfish has a fitting name because it’s covered in red spikes. The spikes contain a neurotoxin that is dangerous to humans. If a person gets poked by this sea creature, they may experience pain, nausea, swelling, and infections. In most cases, the effects go away within a few hours, but in extreme cases, they may last for over a week or cause paralysis. If part of the starfish’s body gets cut off, it may be able to regenerate it.
98. Crucian Carp

- Scientific Name: Carassius carassius
- Habitat: Freshwater of Europe and Russia
- Size: 4.4 to 6.6 pounds
- Diet: Algae, detritus, zooplankton, aquatic weeds
The crucian carp is considered a cousin of the goldfish, but it’s more commonly used for food than as a pet. If they freeze or bury themselves in mud, they can survive for hours out of water. In some cases, freezing their outer skin can allow them to survive without water for days. They can produce about 250,000 eggs per season, so despite being hunted often, there are still plenty in the wild.
99. Cuban Cockroach

- Scientific Name: Panchlora nivea
- Habitat: Across Cuba and Southeastern United States
- Size: 20 to 25 millimeters long
- Diet: Food scraps, carcasses
Cuban cockroaches are scavengers that seek out sweet human foods. Thus, they’re primarily found in homes near decaying food. They’re bright green because it allows them to blend into their natural environment, but it makes them easy to spot in a home. Female cockroaches can reproduce for years without interacting with a male.
100. Cuban Tree Frog

- Scientific Name: Osteopilus septentrionalis
- Habitat: Florida, Cuba, the Bahamas, and the Cayman Islands
- Size: 1 to 4 inches
- Diet: Insects, small lizards, other frogs
The Cuban tree frog is native to Cuba and islands close by, but it’s now an invasive species in Florida. These frogs will eat just about anything that will fit in their mouths, which sometimes includes other frogs. So, they regularly eat frog species that are native to Florida, which is harming the ecosystem. When domesticated, they can’t be kept with other frogs because they might eat them. Many people in Florida also consider them pests because they often find their way into homes.
101. Culpeo

- Scientific Name: Lycalopex culpaeus
- Habitat: Near the Andes Mountains
- Size: 11 to 30 pounds
- Diet: Rodents, rabbits, birds, lizards
The culpeo goes by many names, including the Andean fox. These foxes spend most of their time alone, except during mating season. They communicate with each other in many ways, including scents, postures, and noises. Many people see these mammals as a threat because they will target any animals they can catch, including chickens. These foxes were once domesticated to help create the Fuegian dog species, but those canines are now extinct.
102. Cumberland Slider

- Scientific Name: Trachemys scripta troostii
- Habitat: Lakes and ponds of Southeastern United States
- Size: About 11 inches long
- Diet: Fish, algae, tadpoles, worms, crayfish
Cumberland sliders can make good pets, but in the wild, they’re more fearful. If they feel threatened, they’ll slide back into the water, which is why they’re called “sliders.” They can quickly make their way to deep water to escape predators. These turtles spend most of their time in the water but regularly rest on sticks and rocks to bask in the sunlight. Like similar species, Cumberland sliders can only swallow food when in the water.
103. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

- Scientific Name: Canis lupus
- Habitat: Czechoslovakia and Slovakia
- Size: 57 to 66 pounds
- Diet: Raw meat diet
While these canines are technically a dog breed, they’re a mix between a Eurasian wolf and a German shepherd. They were bred to be great patrol dogs while having the fearless attitude of a wolf. They’re most commonly used as working dogs and aren’t suitable as a family pet in most cases. They can be incredible loyal, but they’re also heavy shedders that have a mind of their own.
More Animals (A-Z)
This list only covers some animals starting with the letter C. There are still many other creatures that fall under this letter and every other letter of the alphabet. So, follow your curiosity and learn about as many animals as your heart desires. There will always be fascinating new facts to uncover.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z