If you had to name as many animals as you could think of, that list might never stop. There are more animals in this world than we can imagine, and even one letter of the alphabet can cover countless species.
So, this article will discuss many animals that start with the letter L. Some are recognizable while some might be new to most people.
List of Animals That Start with L
Here are 104 animal species that start with the letter L.
1. La Sagra’s Flycatcher
- Scientific Name: Myiarchus sagrae
- Habitat: Forests of the Caribbean
- Size: 7.4 to 8.6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, berries, seeds
These birds hunt by waiting on a perch for insects to fly past. Then, they fly and catch the prey in mid-air. They’re native to the Caribbean, but they can be found in the southern United States on rare occasions. They build their nests in tree cavities, and both parents work together to raise their offspring. They have a squeaky high-pitched call that’s usually sung in pairs.
2. Labrador Retriever
- Scientific Name: Canis familiaris
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 55 to 80 pounds
- Diet: Domestic dog food
For at least 31 years, Labrador Retrievers have been the most popular dogs in the United States. Their friendly personalities and calm demeanors are desirable to many humans, so that’s why they’re often trained as service dogs. Labs originated in Newfoundland, where they were bred as sporting and hunting dogs. Today, they’re more commonly bred as companion dogs, but they can still be trained to complete many amazing tasks.
3. Laced Moray
- Scientific Name: Gymnothorax favagineus
- Habitat: Outer slopes of coral reefs in the Indo-West Pacific area
- Size: Up to 9.8 feet long
- Diet: Small fish, cephalopods
Laced morays, also known as honeycomb or leopard morays, are slightly poisonous, but they’re not highly dangerous to humans. They’re not aggressive, but they do have sharp teeth. Like most eels, they spend their time hiding crevices with only their heads sticking out. They will launch forward to catch prey. If they capture a creature that’s too big to eat in one bite, they will rip chunks off the prey to consume it.
4. Ladak Pika
- Scientific Name: Ochotona ladacensis
- Habitat: Mountain ranges in China, India, and Pakistan
- Size: 7 to 9 inches long
- Diet: Grass, roots, stems, flowers
Ladak pikas, also spelled Ladakh pikas, live at high elevations between 14,110 and 17,880 feet. For many years, these small mammals were mistaken for plateau pikas, but they’re now recognized as a separate species. They have brown or rust-colored fur, and they live in territorial family groups. They feed on any vegetation in their territories, which usually consists of grass.
5. Lady Amherst’s Pheasant
- Scientific Name: Chrysolophus amherstiae
- Habitat: Wooded areas of Myanmar and southwestern China
- Size: 26 to 68 inches long
- Diet: Grains, leaves, invertebrates
Males of this species are some of the most uniquely colored birds in the world. However, females are much smaller with dull-colored feathers. These birds aren’t rare in their natural range, and the males can be heard making a variety of vocalizations, including peeps, clucks, and calls. Males are often aggressive toward each other, and they may attack each other using their beaks and claws if their interactions escalate.
6. Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish
- Scientific Name: Melanotaenia lacustris
- Habitat: Lake Kutubu in Papua New Guinea
- Size: 4 to 4.8 inches long
- Diet: Small crustaceans, insect larvae, algae
This species is also known as the turquoise rainbowfish because of its shimmery blue-green scales. The males have more vibrant colors than the females. These fish tend to gather in areas with lots of aquatic vegetation. They’re peaceful fish that make quick, rapid movements, so they sometimes spook slow-moving fish. They can be kept in aquariums, as long as there are several other Kutubu lake rainbowfish in the tank.
7. Lake Sturgeon
- Scientific Name: Acipenser fulvescens
- Habitat: Freshwater rivers and lakes of the northeastern United States
- Size: Up to 7 feet long
- Diet: Snails, worms, insect larvae, leeches
Even though lake sturgeons have ridged edges, their skin is soft to the touch. Some people compare them to modern-day dinosaurs because they can grow several feet long and live over 100 years. Males can’t reproduce until they reach 8 to 22 years old, and females can’t reproduce until they’re 14 to 33 years old. They feed using a suction-like mouth, so they have sensitive barbels on their snout to help them navigate around the bottom of the lake. They have unique diamond-shaped pupils.
8. Lake Tebera Rainbowfish
- Scientific Name: Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi
- Habitat: Lake Tebera basin of Papua New Guinea
- Size: 3.6 to 4.7 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruit, algae
These shimmery fish are only native to one body of water, which is surrounded by mountains with rainforest vegetation. Males are usually larger and brighter, but the vibrancy of their coloring may depend on the food they eat. Both males and females usually display orange, black, and silver markings. They are peaceful fish that get along well with any rainbowfish of a similar size and demeanor.
9. LaMancha Goat
- Scientific Name: Capra aegagrus hircus
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 125 to 165 pounds
- Diet: Grass, shrubs, bushes
LaMancha goats are a goat breed that’s born with tiny ears, making them look earless. They’re commonly kept as milk producers because their milk is highly nutritious. Each goat produces about 3/4 of a gallon of milk per day. LaMancha goats were the first goat breed to originate in the United States, and they’ve been an official breed since 1960. They’re adaptable animals that can thrive in almost any climate, but they’re also social animals that need to be kept in groups.
10. Lambchop Rasbora
- Scientific Name: Trigonostigma espei
- Habitat: Freshwater of Thailand and Cambodia
- Size: Up to 2 inches long
- Diet: Small insects, worms, zooplankton, crustaceans
Lambchop rasboras are also known as “false harlequin rasboras” due to their similar coloring to harlequin rasboras. Lambchop rasboras are usually brighter orange while harlequin rasboras are more pinkish. These fish form schools with fish of the same species and similar fish, such as other rasboras. They’re peaceful fish, making them ideal for community tanks in captivity. They do best with about 8 to 10 fish of the same species.
11. Lammergeier
- Scientific Name: Gypaetus barbatus
- Habitat: Mountainous areas of central Asia and eastern Africa
- Size: 10 to 15 pounds, 7.6 to 9.3 foot wingspan
- Diet: Bones, carcasses
The lammergeier, more commonly known as the bearded vulture, feeds on a variety of animal carcasses, but it primarily eats bones. The stomach acids of these vultures have a pH of 1, so they can digest dense material in only 24 hours. When they find a carcass, they will eat all the swallowable pieces left. Lammergeier means “lamb-vulture” in German because these birds are believed to carry away mammals like lambs. However, it’s likely a myth since these vultures aren’t hostile toward living things.
12. Lanza’s Alpine Salamander
- Scientific Name: Salamandra lanzai
- Habitat: Forests and grasslands of France and Italy
- Size: 4.5 to 6.3 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, slugs
Lanza’s alpine salamanders, also known as large alpine salamanders, are only found at high elevations in France and Italy. They’re usually found at elevations between 3,900 and 8,500 feet. They stay near streams in humid forests. Their mating happens on land, which is uncommon for salamanders. They give birth to only two to six young salamanders that are fully formed rather than in larval stages. Sadly, these salamanders are critically endangered due to habitat loss.
13. Lappet-Faced Vulture
- Scientific Name: Torgos tracheliotos
- Habitat: Deserts and savannas of Africa
- Size: 9 to 20 pounds, up to 9-foot wingspan
- Diet: Rodents, birds, reptiles, carrion
Lappet-faced vultures are one of the only vulture species strong enough to open up the carcass of an animal with a tough hide, so other birds of prey benefit from them. However, they may bully smaller birds, causing them to fight over the best parts of the prey. These birds have powerful stomach acids, so they’re less likely to get sick than other animals. After eating, they will wash their heads in a body of water.
14. Lar Gibbon
- Scientific Name: Hylobates lar
- Habitat: Forests of southeastern Asia
- Size: 10 to 15 pounds
- Diet: Fruit, leafy plants, insects, bird eggs
Lar gibbons spend most of their time high in the trees to avoid predators. These primates communicate with each other through songs. The songs are often performed as solos, but bonded pairs may sing duets. These mammals travel by swinging from one branch to another. They can reach a branch that’s up to 32 feet away by doing so. They’re known as the fastest arboreal animals that cannot fly.
15. Larder Beetle
- Scientific Name: Dermestes lardarius
- Habitat: Worldwide near animal protein
- Size: About a 1/3 inch long
- Diet: High-protein materials
Larder beetles are attracted to any place that has high-protein materials, such as spoiled meats, pet food, animal hides, and dead animals. They’re often found in storage facilities, but they rarely feed on stored food products. They prefer to eat animal products above all else. These critters will go away when there’s no longer a food source for them, so removing the source is the best way to get rid of them.
16. Large Hawk Cuckoo
- Scientific Name: Hierococcyx sparverioides
- Habitat: Wooded areas of southeastern Asia
- Size: 14.9 to 15.7 inches long
- Diet: Insects
Despite having a hawk-like appearance, these birds are only about the size of a pigeon. They perch high in the canopies and make a repeated call that sounds like they’re saying “brain fever.” They’re the loudest in the summer, continuing to make calls well after dusk. They prefer forests on hills and mountains, especially during their breeding seasons. They usually lay their eggs in the nests of similar species to trick them into raising the chicks.
17. Large Indian Civet
- Scientific Name: Viverra zibetha
- Habitat: Wooded habitats in southern Asia
- Size: 7.5 to 20.3 pounds
- Diet: Birds, frogs, fish, insects, crabs
Large Indian civets are solitary animals that only hunt at night. They will eat almost any small vertebrates and invertebrates they can find. During the day, they retreat to holes and burrows that other animals dug. These mammals can release a strong musk smell to mark their territories, and humans sometimes use it as a stabilizing agent. Hunting these animals for their scent glands has put their population at risk.
18. Large Niltava
- Scientific Name: Niltava grandis
- Habitat: Tropical and subtropical montane forests of southern Asia
- Size: 7.8 to 8.6 inches long
- Diet: Invertebrates, berries, small snakes
Male large niltavas have beautiful royal blue feathers while females are mostly brown with one blue patch on their necks. They spend most of their time in trees, which is where they build their bowl-shaped nests. Their calls consist of a few high whistles. They’re closely related to small niltavas, but as the name implies, large niltavas are much larger than their relatives.
19. Large-Billed Crow
- Scientific Name: Corvus macrorhynchos
- Habitat: Woodlands, parks, and gardens of southeastern Asia
- Size: 18 to 23 inches long
- Diet: Leftover food from humans and other animals
Large-billed crows are scavengers that will eat almost anything they find. They will eat food left behind by humans or steal food from other animals. They will also eat carrion. So, they will gather in any area where food is abundant. They roost high in the trees, and sometimes, thousands will gather at a roost site. These birds have very few predators, so they’re more likely to get killed by a parasite than a larger animal.
20. Large-Eared Pika
- Scientific Name: Ochotona macrotis
- Habitat: Mountainous areas of Afghanistan, Tibet, Bhutan, India, and surrounding countries
- Size: 5.9 to 9.8 inches long
- Diet: Grass, twigs, lichen, moss
As the name implies, large-eared pikas have larger ears than any other pika species. Large-eared pikas commonly live among rocks, and they’re able to run into small crevices if they sense danger. They can live at elevations up to 20,000 feet. They communicate with each other using high-pitched whistles, especially if they need to warn others of a predator. They’re most active during the day, and they do not hibernate.
21. Large-Tailed Antshrike
- Scientific Name: Mackenziaena leachii
- Habitat: Subtropical and tropical forests of the southern Atlantic Forest
- Size: About 10 inches long
- Diet: Large insects
Both male and female large-tailed antshrikes have beautiful white spots on their feathers, but males have black feathers and females have brown. They’re found in dense areas of the Atlantic Forest in South America. They’re active at most times of the day, but their coloring helps them blend into their surroundings. Their calls are a series of ascending and descending notes.
22. Latticed Butterflyfish
- Scientific Name: Chaetodon rafflesii
- Habitat: Reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- Size: 5.9 to 7.1 inches long
- Diet: Coral polyps, sea anemones, algae
Latticed butterflyfish hang out near coral reefs anywhere from 3 to 65 feet below the water’s surface. They’re peaceful fish that commonly swim in pairs. Due to their docile demeanor, these fish can be kept in captivity. However, there are a lot of plants and invertebrates they may nibble on, and they need lots of space to swim. So, their environment needs to be set up carefully. They like to eat frequently and have a lot of variety in their diets.
23. Laughing Falcon
- Scientific Name: Herpetotheres cachinnans
- Habitat: Forested habitats from Mexico to central South America
- Size: 18 to 22 inches long
- Diet: Fish, insects, small birds, lizards
Laughing falcons got their name because their calls sound like they’re laughing. They make “ha ha ha” sounds around dawn and dusk. If you hear this call, a laughing falcon may be perched in a tree nearby. According to some folklore, laughing falcons can predict the weather. Legends say that if they call from a dead branch, the skies will be clear and blue. However, they say if these birds call from a perch with green leaves, it’ll rain.
24. Lava Gull
- Scientific Name: Leucophaeus fuliginosus
- Habitat: Across the Galapagos Islands
- Size: 20 to 22 inches long
- Diet: Fish, small crustaceans, newly hatched reptiles
Lava gulls are scavengers that often acquire their prey by stealing it from fishermen or the nests of other birds. They build their nests far away from other birds, and they’re highly territorial. These birds breed when it’s convenient for them, so they don’t have a designated mating season. They have the smallest population of any gull species with only about 1,000 wild birds.
25. Lawnmower Blenny
- Scientific Name: Salarias fasciatus
- Habitat: Rocky saltwater areas of Australia
- Size: About 5 inches long
- Diet: Algae
The lawnmower blenny, also known as the jeweled blenny, gets its name because it controls the algae growth on rocks by eating algae. The color of these fish can change based on their environment and mood. Many fish keepers are interested in these fish because of their color-changing abilities. They will only breed when the water warms up, so their breeding season usually occurs in late spring or early summer.
26. Laysan Albatross
- Scientific Name: Phoebastria immutabilis
- Habitat: Across the Pacific Ocean
- Size: 2.6 to 2.7 feet long, about a 6-foot wingspan
- Diet: Squid, fish, fish eggs, crustaceans
This is one of the smaller species of albatross, but they’re still much larger than the average bird. Laysan albatrosses primarily hunt squid, and they have light-sensitive pigments in their eyes to help them spot squid in the water at night. They spend most of their time flying along the open ocean, and they can lock their wing bones in place to help them glide better. A Laysan albatross named Wisdom lived to be 68 years old, making him one of the oldest wild birds in the world.
27. Leafy Seadragon
- Scientific Name: Phycodurus eques
- Habitat: Rocky reefs near southern and western Australia
- Size: 8.5 to 14 inches long
- Diet: Mysids, plankton, fish larvae
Leafy seadragons can’t swim well, so they use their plant-like appearance to help them hide among seaweed. Since they camouflage so well, they don’t have any predators. They’re related to seahorses, so the males carry the eggs until they hatch. They don’t have a pouch like seahorses, so they carry the eggs on the underside of their tails. Sadly, they’re marked as “near threatened” because people often try to take them out of the wild to keep them as pets.
28. Least Auklet
- Scientific Name: Aethia pusilla
- Habitat: Rocky coasts across the Bering Sea
- Size: About 6 inches long
- Diet: Marine invertebrates
Least auklets are the tiniest members of the auklet family, appearing about the size of a sparrow. They dive underwater to locate their food, but they don’t travel too far from the surface. They spend most of their time in the open ocean, but they return to the shores during their mating seasons. The females only lay one egg per season, and they hide the eggs in rock crevices. Least auklets have pouches in their throats so they can carry food to their young.
29. Least Chipmunk
- Scientific Name: Neotamias minimus
- Habitat: Woodlands of North America
- Size: 6.2 to 9.8 inches long
- Diet: Nuts, fruit, grass, fungi, insects, snails
Least chipmunks are the smallest and most common species of chipmunk in North America. They’re solitary animals, but they may communicate with each other by chirping, clucking, and chattering. They’re most vocal during their mating season. These rodents usually build their nests high in trees, and they’re territorial when protecting them. In the winter, they live in burrows and go into a state of torpor to survive the low temperatures.
30. Least Grebe
- Scientific Name: Tachybaptus dominicus
- Habitat: Freshwater and brackish wetlands of South America and southern North America
- Size: 8.3 to 10.6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, insect larvae, tadpoles, small frogs
Least grebes love being in the water, and they often fully submerge themselves. Sometimes, they may stay underwater with only their bill sticking out. When they need to warm up, they sunbathe, but when it’s too hot, they used their wings to fan their eggs and keep them cool. Since least grebes are light with large wings, they can take off into flight directly from the water.
31. Least Horseshoe Bat
- Scientific Name: Rhinolophus pusillus
- Habitat: Woodlands, wetlands, and pastures of southeastern Asia
- Size: 1.4 to 1.8 inches long
- Diet: Flies, moths, beetles
Least horseshoe bats are some of the smallest bats in the world. The term “horseshoe bat” refers to the flat, rounded nose that these mammals have. They roost in dark areas, such as in trees or caves. Like other bats, they use echolocation calls to find their way around at night. These tiny bats are often preyed on by a species of jawed leech.
32. Least Weasel
- Scientific Name: Mustela nivalis
- Habitat: Forests and woodlands of northern North America
- Size: 4.5 to 9.5 inches long
- Diet: Mice, birds, insects, eggs
Least weasels might look cute, but they’re strong predators. They can hunt prey that’s bigger than them, but they only eat a few grams of its meat per meal. So, they hide the extra meal near their den entrance. They’re very territorial and will release a foul scent when threatened. They’re always solitary outside of their mating season. These weasels are extremely flexible and can easily change directions in narrow burrows.
33. Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Scientific Name: Dermochelys coriacea
- Habitat: Marine waters throughout the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans
- Size: 500 to 1,500 pounds
- Diet: Jellyfish, sea squirts, seaweed, crustaceans
Leatherbacks are the largest living turtle species. Their shells are soft, rubbery, and flexible, similar to the rest of their skin. Yet, their skin is still strong and durable. They’re not as well-researched as other turtles because they spend a lot of their time alone in areas that are too deep for humans to dive. Unlike most reptiles, leatherback sea turtles have some ability to regulate their body temperatures, which is how they survive the frigid deep waters. They can dive as deep as 4,000 feet below the surface.
34. Lechwe
- Scientific Name: Kobus leche
- Habitat: Marshy areas of the southern savanna in Africa
- Size: 110 to 260 pounds
- Diet: Aquatic grasses
Females and calves of this species depend on water more than males do, so they stay close to water sources. They feed on aquatic plants, so they stand knee-deep in water when feeding. Their feeding style protects them from predators, especially since their legs are coated in a water-repellent substance that helps them run fast in water. The members of female herds are always changing, so they don’t have a leader. However, males are highly aggressive and will compete with each other for territory.
35. Lehmann’s Poison Frog
- Scientific Name: Oophaga lehmanni
- Habitat: Tropical rainforests of western Colombia
- Size: 1.2 to 1.4 inches
- Diet: Small insects
Lehmann’s poison frogs are toxic in the wild because of their diets, but they lose their toxicity in captivity since their diets are slightly different. These amphibians are most active during the day, and they search for insects on the forest floor. During the breeding season, females deposit their eggs and leave the males to look after them. The males fertilize the eggs, rotate them, and keep them moist until they hatch.
36. Lemon Shark
- Scientific Name: Negaprion brevirostris
- Habitat: Shallow subtropical waters near the eastern coasts of North and South America
- Size: 8 to 10 feet long
- Diet: Bony fish, crustaceans
Lemon sharks are one of the only shark species to live in groups. The sharks return to where they were born each year when it’s time to mate. These sharks aren’t dangerous to humans. Only ten bites have been reported, and none involved serious injuries. These sharks are named for their yellow/brown skin, which helps them blend into sandy substrates. They can be found up to 300 feet below the water’s surface.
37. Lemon Tetra
- Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis
- Habitat: Tropical freshwater in South America
- Size: Up to 2 inches long
- Diet: Invertebrates, crustaceans, plant matter
Tetras are known as small, easygoing fish that are great for aquariums. Lemon tetras fit the description perfectly, but they’re unique because of their yellow bodies. Females usually have duller coloring, typically with silver bodies and hints of yellow on their fins. Lemon tetras like to live with other calm fish, so housing them alone could make them anxious and lead to health problems.
38. Lemonpeel Angelfish
- Scientific Name: Centropyge flavissima
- Habitat: Shallow water in the Indo-Pacific
- Size: About 5 inches long
- Diet: Algae, crustaceans
Lemonpeel angelfish can be distinguished by their vibrant yellow color and the lines of blue around their eyes, gills, and fins. When lemonpeel angelfish are born, they’re always female. As they grow up, the largest and most dominant ones become male. Their size and beauty make them appealing to keep as a pet, but they’re only recommended for experienced fish keepers because of their specific parameters and large tank size. If two males are kept in the same tank, they may fight to the death.
39. Leonberger
- Scientific Name: Canis familiaris
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 90 to 170 pounds
- Diet: Domestic dog food
These large canines were originally bred as companion dogs in Germany. Then, they were also trained to complete tasks such as pulling carts and guarding homes. They are currently listed in the “working group.” These dogs are gentle giants that can be protective of the people they care about. People adore their fluffy coats, but these dogs require a lot of brushing to control their heavy shedding. These dogs are great companions for outdoor adventures.
40. Leopard
- Scientific Name: Panthera pardus
- Habitat: Rainforests and grasslands of Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia
- Size: 60 to 150 pounds
- Diet: Deer, warthog, rodents, carrion
Leopards are the strongest big cats relative to their size. They can climb trees even while carrying heavy prey in their mouths. They’re also fast, running up to 36 miles per hour. Despite being strong predators, these felines still make similar sounds to house cats, such as growling when upset and purring when happy. They are solitary animals with large territories, but they will tolerate other leopards entering their territories during their mating season. Leopards differ from jaguars because they do not have spots inside their spots.
41. Leopard Cat
- Scientific Name: Prionailurus bengalensis
- Habitat: Tropical forests of southern Asia
- Size: 7 to 15 pounds
- Diet: Rodents, lizards, amphibians, birds
Leopard cats are about the same size as domesticated cats, but they’re wild hunters. They can run up to 45 miles an hour to catch prey. These felines also have webbed paws, making them strong swimmers and good at walking on wet ground. They’re nocturnal creatures that spend most of their time alone, similar to jaguars. During the day, they sleep in dark areas like caves and hollow trees. Leopard cats have been bred with house cats to create Bengal cats.
42. Leopard Gecko
- Scientific Name: Eublepharis macularius
- Habitat: Rocky deserts of southern Asia
- Size: 7 to 11 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, worms
Leopard geckos were the first lizard species to be domesticated. Today, they’re one of the most popular pet reptiles, and there are over 100 unique color morphs. They’re one of the only gecko species without sticky pads on their toes. Instead, they have small claws to help them navigate rocky terrain. They also have fully functioning eyelids while most geckos don’t. When threatened, these lizards can drop their tail and regrow it later to give them time to escape.
43. Leopard Lacewing Butterfly
- Scientific Name: Cethosia cyane
- Habitat: Across southeastern Asia
- Size: 3.1-inch wingspan
- Diet: Nectar
Male leopard lacewings have vibrant orange coloring while females are dull and closer to white. The difference in colors is likely because males are always on the move while females rarely fly before mating. It’s possible for some of these butterflies to have male characteristics on one wing and female characteristics on the other. The females always lay eggs on their host plants, which are passion flowers.
44. Leopard Seal
- Scientific Name: Hydrurga leptonyx
- Habitat: Antarctic pack ice
- Size: 450 to 1,100 pounds
- Diet: Penguins, krill, fish, cephalopods, other seals
Leopard seals are known as the most aggressive seal species. They’re clumsy on land, but they’re skilled predators in the water. Their mouths are huge compared to their body size, and they have sharp teeth to capture prey with. They collapse their lungs before diving underwater to help them withstand the water pressure. Scientists have stated that leopard seal skulls are shaped more like reptiles than seals. They can also determine a seal’s last meal based on the composition of their whiskers.
45. Leopard Shark
- Scientific Name: Triakis semifasciata
- Habitat: Shallow waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean
- Size: 4 to 5 feet long
- Diet: Crabs, clams, fish eggs
Leopard sharks might look intimidating, but they’re harmless to humans. Their teeth have three points on them, but there are no reports of a leopard shark biting a person. Their mouths open downwards, so they search for food by feeding on the ocean floor. When leopard sharks aren’t swimming, they sink, which is why they stay in shallow areas. Larger animals rarely hunt these sharks because they don’t live in the same space.
46. Leopard Tortoise
- Scientific Name: Stigmochelys pardalis
- Habitat: Grasslands and savannas of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Size: 30 to 88 pounds
- Diet: Grass, flowers, weeds
Leopard tortoises aren’t fast like leopards, but they have black and yellow shell patterns that reflect the feline’s coloring. The patterns offer camouflage when the tortoises hide inside their shells. When they retreat into their shells, they make a hissing sound. These reptiles can navigate across rocky terrains, and they rest in abandoned burrows rather than making their own. The only time they dig their own holes is when they’re making nests during their breeding season.
47. Lesser Adjutant
- Scientific Name: Leptoptilos javanicus
- Habitat: Wetland habitats of southern Asia
- Size: 34 to 37 inches long
- Diet: Fish, frogs, reptiles, large invertebrates
Lesser adjutants are storks that are typically found along the water’s shore. They wade in the water and reach out to grab prey using their long necks and powerful bills. When hunting, they seem to rely on their vision more than their other senses. They do not migrate. These birds are usually silent, but they may hiss or click their bills when protecting their nests. These birds can mate with painted storks to produce hybrids.
48. Lesser Antillean Whistling Frog
- Scientific Name: Eleutherodactylus johnstonei
- Habitat: Damp areas of the island of Montserrat
- Size: 0.6 to 1.4 inches long
- Diet: Ants, spiders, leafhoppers, springtails
Lesser Antillean Whistling Frogs, more commonly known as Antilles coquis, are attracted to any moist habitats. They often hide in leaf litter since they blend in well. Their calls are two-note whistles, and the frogs may repeat their calls up to 60 times in a minute. These frogs breed during the wet season. They’re only native to one island, but their population range is expanding because they often sneak onto transports and compete with native frogs.
49. Lesser Bird of Paradise
- Scientific Name: Paradisaea minor
- Habitat: Forests of northern New Guinea and nearby islands
- Size: Up to 12.6 inches long
- Diet: Fruit, insects
Males can be distinguished by their fluffy tail feathers that have bold yellow colors. The females lack long feathers and vivid coloring. Each breeding season, males have several mating partners. Males become competitive to win over females, and they may be noisy, making nasally squawking sounds. The females lay about two pink eggs each.
50. Lesser Chameleon
- Scientific Name: Furcifer minor
- Habitat: Forests of Madagascar
- Size: 6 to 9 inches long
- Diet: Insects
Lesser chameleons, also known as Minor’s chameleons, are only native to Madagascar. Females are usually more colorful than males, which is rare for chameleon species. Like similar species, they have long tongues that they can shoot out of their mouths at high speeds to capture insects. They spend most of their time in trees, using their feet and prehensile tails to climb. These reptiles are famous pets in the United States, but Madagascar no longer exports them to preserve their wild population.
51. Lesser Fish-Eagle
- Scientific Name: Icthyophaga humilis
- Habitat: Near rivers, lakes, and wetlands of the Indian subcontinent
- Size: About 25 inches tall and a 3.9-foot wingspan
- Diet: Fish
As the name implies, these birds mostly hunt fish. They sit on a perch near water and watch for fish below. When they spot prey, they fly down from their perch and snatch the fish out of the water. They have curved talons that help them grip onto slippery fish as they fly away. Each eagle has several perches that they may return to after catching a fish. These birds build large nests that may reach 3.2 feet across and 4.9 feet deep.
52. Lesser Flamingo
- Scientific Name: Phoeniconaias minor
- Habitat: Lakes and lagoons of eastern and southern Africa
- Size: 2.6 to 3 feet tall
- Diet: Blue-green algae, benthic diatoms
Like other flamingo species, lesser flamingos get their pink coloring from pigments in the algae they eat. Flamingos with brighter feathers tend to have more success when breeding. They have no sense of smell, and they also can’t taste well. Newly hatched lesser flamingos weigh less than 0.2 pounds, but they can walk about a week after hatching. When adult flamingos molt, they’re unable to fly for about three weeks.
53. Lesser Galago
- Scientific Name: Galago senegalensis
- Habitat: Woodlands and bushlands across Africa
- Size: 12 to 16 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruit, leaves, tree gum
The lesser galago, also known as the Senegal bushbaby, is a nocturnal creature that spends most of its time in the trees. If one of these mammals is awake during the day, their pupils will turn to slits, making it hard for them to see. Lesser galagos always land on their feet if they fall out of trees. They may come to the ground to forage, and they hop when traveling on the ground. They make 18 distinct sounds, some of which sound like baby cries.
54. Lesser Goldfinch
- Scientific Name: Spinus psaltria
- Habitat: Woods, fields, and gardens of United States and Mexico
- Size: 3.5 to 4.7 inches long
- Diet: Seeds, insects, flowers, berries
Lesser goldfinches appear to bounce in the air as they fly. They’re quick birds that may hover while feeding. They often flock together in areas where food and water are abundant. A flock of lesser goldfinches is known as a “charm.” They eat a variety of plants and invertebrates, but their preferred meals are seeds from plants in the sunflower family. These birds make wheezy songs.
55. Lesser Grison
- Scientific Name: Galictis cuja
- Habitat: Grasslands, forests, and meadows of southern South America
- Size: 2.6 to 5.3 pounds
- Diet: Small rodents, rabbits, birds, frogs, lizards
Lesser grisons are small carnivores that will capture almost any animals smaller than them. When hunting, they locate their prey primarily by scent. They have webbed feet, but they’re more likely to be seen running and climbing than swimming. They can spray a foul-smelling substance similar to skunks, but it’s not as strong. At night, they sleep in crevices, hollow trees, or burrows. Their burrows can be up to 13 feet deep.
56. Lesser Kudu
- Scientific Name: Tragelaphus imberbis
- Habitat: Arid and semi-arid areas of northeastern Africa
- Size: 110 to 200 pounds
- Diet: Leaves, shrubs, twigs, grass, roots
Despite being large animals, lesser kudus are very agile. They can leap up to 6.5 feet high. Like white-tailed deer, they have white on the underside of their tail, which they reveal when they run away from a threat. They will also make a barking sound to alert other kudus of a predator. Male kudus often travel alone, but females form groups with each other. They’re not territorial, so fights rarely break out.
57. Lesser Mole Rat
- Scientific Name: Spalax leucodon
- Habitat: Grasslands in areas of Europe
- Size: 5.1 to 13.8 inches long
- Diet: Roots, plants, tubers
Lesser mole rats, also known as lesser blind mole-rats, are strange-looking mammals. They have no eyes, a pink nose, and large buck teeth. Their eyes are covered by a layer of skin, which causes them to be blind. Luckily, they have great hearing and lots of sensory nerves to help them find food without sight. When they find plants to eat, they may carry some on their backs to save for later. They live in colonies that are usually run by a female.
58. Lesser Mouse-Deer
- Scientific Name: Tragulus kanchil
- Habitat: Tropical forests of southeastern Asia
- Size: 3.6 to 4.4 pounds
- Diet: Fruit, fungi, shoots, leaves
Lesser mouse-deer are one of the smallest hoofed mammals in the world. They’re solitary animals, but they may be seen hanging out with a mouse-deer of the opposite sex on occasion. These mammals never share their territories with mouse-deer of the same sex. They roam around the forest floor and pick up food as they find it. If they sense danger, they will freeze in place until it’s safe to move again.
59. Lesser Siren
- Scientific Name: Siren intermedia
- Habitat: Freshwaters of the eastern United States and Mexico
- Size: 6 to 27 inches long
- Diet: Crustaceans, insects, worms, snails
Lesser sirens are eel-like aquatic salamanders. They have frilly gills and two small front legs, but no back legs on their long bodies. They’re one of the few salamanders that make sounds. When they sense a threat, they will screech, which is why they’re called sirens. They may also make clicking sounds when communicating with each other. They act more aggressively than other salamanders, and they may bite if threatened. However, they have no front teeth.
60. Lesser Spot-Nosed Monkey
- Scientific Name: Cercopithecus petaurista
- Habitat: Forests and swampy areas of West Africa
- Size: 5 to 9.2 pounds
- Diet: Fruit, leaves, insects
Lesser spot-nosed monkeys are skittish mammals. They spend most of their time on the lower branches of trees so they can stay safe from predators that attack on the ground and from the sky. They’re social creatures that usually live in groups of 20 to 30 monkeys. Their groups usually have only one male. The monkeys in each group can learn each others’ calls so they know how to react. They may live near monkeys of similar species, but they only breed with their own species.
61. Lettered Aracari
- Scientific Name: Pteroglossus inscriptus
- Habitat: Tropical and subtropical forests of northern South America
- Size: About 11.5 inches long
- Diet: Fruit, large insects, eggs
Lettered aracaris are social birds that roost near at least five other birds. They usually sleep near their fledged offspring. When they sleep, they fold their tails over their backs for protection. They’re usually docile toward other birds, but they may see young birds of other species as prey. Like other toucans, these birds have small wings but strong legs, so they only fly short distances.
62. Levant Water Frog
- Scientific Name: Pelophylax bedriagae
- Habitat: Habitats near the Eastern Mediterranean
- Size: 1.7 to 3.7 inches long
- Diet: Insects
These frogs were once commonly kept as pets, which caused them to get introduced to several moist habitats across Europe. They cannot spread to new areas on their own since they need a constant freshwater supply. These frogs have become an invasive species in many unlikely areas, such as Egypt and Turkey. Those countries sometimes hunt them for human consumption. These frogs can be noisy because they have a variety of calls that they use for different meanings, such as territorial and mating calls.
63. Lewis’s Woodpecker
- Scientific Name: Melanerpes lewis
- Habitat: Pine forests of western North America
- Size: 10 to 11 inches long
- Diet: Insects, nuts, fruit
Most woodpeckers dig into trees to eat wood-boring insects, but these birds rarely display those behaviors. Instead, they take insects from the bark’s surface or capture them in mid-flight. In the winter, they collect more nuts, such as acorns, rather than insects. They store nuts for winter, and they can be protective of the food they’ve collected. They usually build their nests in holes and crevices made by other woodpeckers.
64. Liger
- Scientific Name: Panthera leo × Panthera tigris
- Habitat: Only kept in captivity
- Size: 750 to 1,200 pounds
- Diet: Meat
Ligers are rare hybrids created by breeding a male lion with a female tiger. If the sexes are reversed, the offspring are tigons, not ligers. There are only about 100 ligers in existence because they do not breed naturally. Lions and tigers don’t share the same habitats, so all ligers that exist are currently kept in captivity. They’re larger than lions and tigers because they have an abnormality known as “growth dysplasia.” While many hybrids can’t reproduce, ligers can mate with lions, tigers, and other ligers.
65. Lilac-Breasted Roller
- Scientific Name: Coracias caudatus
- Habitat: Open woodlands and savannas of southern Africa
- Size: 14.2 to 15 inches long
- Diet: Insects, crabs, lizards, amphibians
Lilac-breasted rollers often have about eight colors, including lilac, green, turquoise, white, black, yellow, dark blue, and reddish-brown. Both males and females share these gorgeous color patterns. Due to its beautiful plumage, this species the national bird of Kenya. The colors represent the many different tribes in Kenya, so the bird is a symbol of the country’s diversity. These beautiful birds hunt by swooping down to capture their prey.
66. Lilian’s Lovebird
- Scientific Name: Agapornis lilianae
- Habitat: Woodlands of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
- Size: About 5 inches long
- Diet: Grass seeds, flowers, millet, wild rice, fruit seeds
Lilian’s lovebirds, also known as Nyasa lovebirds, are small, social birds native to Africa. They spend most of their time in groups of about 20 birds of the same species. These birds may be aggressive toward birds of different species, and the females are more aggressive than the males. They communicate with each other using a series of whistles, growls, and purrs. They sometimes attempt to mimic human sounds, but they’re not very successful at it.
67. Limestone Salamander
- Scientific Name: Hydromantes brunus
- Habitat: Mossy limestone crevices in of the Merced River Canyon in California
- Size: 2 to 3 inches long
- Diet: Small invertebrates
Limestone salamanders are a type of lungless salamander. Juveniles have yellow/green speckles, but their coloring darkens as they age. These salamanders don’t have a larval stage, so small salamanders hatch from the eggs. They have slender, flattened bodies so they can easily hide in crevices. They have webbed toes on their hind feet to help them climb steep surfaces.
68. Lion
- Scientific Name: Panthera leo
- Habitat: Open plains across Africa and India
- Size: 260 to 420 pounds
- Diet: Antelope, warthog, zebra
Lions are one of the largest and most powerful felines in the world. Almost all lions live in Africa except for a small population in India. These big cats are adaptable to dry environments, so if they don’t have access to water, they can stay hydrated by eating plants. They eat up to 88 pounds of meat daily. Their tongues have sharp points on them that help them tear meat off bones. Even though they’re one of the most well-known animals, they’ve disappeared from 90% of their historical range.
69. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
- Scientific Name: Cyanea capillata
- Habitat: Cold waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans
- Size: 7-foot diameter and up to 120 feet long
- Diet: Fish, shrimp, zooplankton, other jellyfish
The lion’s mane jellyfish, also known as the giant jellyfish, is the largest jellyfish species in the world. Despite being so massive, these jellyfish usually only live for a year. They can have up to 1,200 stinging tentacles that resemble the fur of a lion’s mane. To hunt, these jellyfish extend their tentacles outward to act as a trap for nearby creatures. No matter how far the tentacles drift from the jellyfish’s body, they can still sting. These creatures usually stay about 66 feet below the water’s surface.
70. Lion-Tailed Macaque
- Scientific Name: Macaca silenus
- Habitat: Rainforests of the Western Ghats hills in India
- Size: 15 to 30 pounds
- Diet: Fruit, nuts, seeds, leaves, flowers
Like lions, these primates have manes of hair and tufts at the end of their tails. While they spend most of their time in the trees, they regularly forage on the ground and play in the water too. They have large pouches in their cheeks that they can store food in while foraging. They’re social among their own species but shy around other creatures. They live in groups of 10 to 30, and they will freeze in place if they sense danger. They have at least 17 unique vocalizations they can use.
71. Little Brown Bat
- Scientific Name: Myotis lucifugus
- Habitat: Forests of North America
- Size: 2 to 4 inches long, 8 to 11 inch wingspan
- Diet: Insects, spiders, insect larva
Many people are frightened by little brown bats, but they play an important role in the ecosystem by eating lots of pests like mosquitoes. Sadly, their population is decreasing because of a contagious fungal disease called “white-nose syndrome.” When these bats aren’t flying or hunting, they spend almost all their time grooming themselves using their claws and tongues. Each tiny bat travels over a mile a day.
72. Little Grass Frog
- Scientific Name: Pseudacris ocularis
- Habitat: Wet, grass areas of southeastern United States
- Size: 0.4 to 0.7 inches long
- Diet: Small insects
These tiny amphibians are the smallest frogs in North America, but they can jump up to 20 times their body length. They get their name because they climb across grassy vegetation during the day. They can breed during any month of the year, but most breed in the late spring. They lay their eggs in the water underneath submerged vegetation. Most of the invertebrates they hunt are found on the ground in leaf litter.
73. Little Penguin
- Scientific Name: Eudyptula minor
- Habitat: Coasts of New Zealand and southern Australia
- Size: 2.5 to 3.5 pounds
- Diet: Krill, shrimp, fish
As the name implies, little penguins are the smallest penguin species. They’re sometimes referred to as fairy penguins too. They spend 80% of their time in the water, and they’re capable of falling asleep while floating on the water’s surface. They secrete an oily liquid from their tails that gets rubbed over their feathers to keep them waterproof and help them maintain a consistent body temperature. Young little penguins can travel as much as 622 miles in the first year of their life.
74. Little Spotted Kiwi
- Scientific Name: Apteryx owenii
- Habitat: Forests and grasslands of New Zealand
- Size: 1.9 to 3 pounds, 14 to 18 inches long
- Diet: Insects found underground, fruit, leaves
Little spotted kiwis are the smallest kiwi species. However, they lay the largest eggs in comparison with their size. Their eggs are about 26% of their body weight. They have a good sense of smell but poor vision. At night, they can see six feet in front of them, but during the day, they can only see two feet away. These birds spend most of their time alone, but they can be spotted in pairs during the breeding season.
75. Lizard Buzzard
- Scientific Name: Kaupifalco monogrammicus
- Habitat: Wooded areas in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Size: 12 to 14 inches long, 31-inch wingspan
- Diet: Lizards, snakes, small mammals, insects
As the name implies, lizard buzzards seek out small reptiles to eat, such as lizards. However, they’re not picky and will hunt any small animals that are available. They usually perch on a tree or power line, and then they sit still until they see prey to target. They catch most of their prey on the ground. When these birds soar through the sky, they move up and down like a wave.
76. Llama
- Scientific Name: Lama Glama
- Habitat: Across the Andes Mountains
- Size: 280 to 450 pounds
- Diet: Grass, leaves, shoots
Llamas were first domesticated by humans about 5,000 years ago. Llamas have a calm, friendly demeanor, so people have used them as therapy animals before. Humans still often raise llamas for their wool and dung. Their dung can be used to fuel trains and boats. These mammals can spit up to 15 feet away, and females use that behavior to tell males they’re not interested. Llamas will also stick their tongues out at each other to express dislike.
77. Lodgepole Chipmunk
- Scientific Name: Tamias speciosus
- Habitat: Coniferous forests in California
- Size: 7.7 to 9 inches long
- Diet: Small invertebrates, eggs, leaves, flowers, seeds
Lodgepole chipmunks are only found in California, particularly in the eastern Sierra Nevada. As their name implies, they usually live near lodgepole pines. These rodents eat a variety of both plants and animals, and their feeding habits are beneficial to the ecosystem. For example, when they feed on fungi, they help spread the fungi spores. If they find food they don’t want to eat right away, they’ll store it in their cheek pouches.
78. Loggerhead Sea Turtle
- Scientific Name: Caretta caretta
- Habitat: Subtropical and temperate areas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans
- Size: 155 to 375 pounds
- Diet: Mollusks, crabs, fish
Loggerhead sea turtles have powerful jaws designed to help them crush prey with hard exteriors. Like many other sea turtles, females return to where they were born when it’s time to lay eggs. Some females travel thousands of miles to return to their birthplace. When a sea turtle is on land, they use the reflections of the moon and stars to help them find the water again. However, artificial lights can confuse them. Loggerhead sea turtles have been around for 110 million years, making them one of the oldest unchanged species.
79. Lone Star Tick
- Scientific Name: Amblyomma americanum
- Habitat: Woodlands of southeastern United States
- Size: About 1/8 inches long
- Diet: Blood
Female lone star ticks can be identified by the white “lone star” marking on their backs. Males don’t have that trait. When a lone star tick takes blood from a source, it can grow up to 600 times its original size. These ticks rarely carry Lyme disease, but they can still pass on other diseases to their hosts. Females can produce up to 5,000 eggs at a time. The ticks are born with six legs and grow an extra set of legs as they age.
80. Long-Crested Eagle
- Scientific Name: Lophaetus occipitalis
- Habitat: Wooded areas of sub-Saharan Africa
- Size: 21 to 23 inches long, Up to 69-inch wingspan
- Diet: Rodents
These eagles have long crest feathers that they may raise when they’re alert. They’re most active in the late afternoon, and 98% of the prey they hunt consists of rodents. They’re open to hunting other animals if no rodents are available. When hunting, they sit still on an exposed perch and wait for prey to approach. Then, they drop from their perch to ambush the prey. They can thrive in a variety of African habitats, so their population is stable.
81. Long-Eared Hedgehog
- Scientific Name: Hemiechinus auritus
- Habitat: Deserts and dry steppes of central Asia
- Size: 4.7 to 10.6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, eggs, fruit, vegetables, small reptiles
These unique hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures that spend most of their time alone. They dig burrows that are about 18 inches long with only one opening. Then, they rest in their burrows during the day. They have a great sense of smell and hearing to help them detect prey and avoid predators. They may travel up to 5.5 miles each night in search of food. These critters may hibernate for up to 40 days in the summer or winter.
82. Long-Eared Jerboa
- Scientific Name: Euchoreutes naso
- Habitat: Deserts of China and Mongolia
- Size: 2.8 to 3.5 inches
- Diet: Desert plants, insects
Like similar species, these jerboas have long tails that are twice their body length to help them balance. Their large back feet help them hop around like a kangaroo. The big ears of these critters are thought to help them regulate their body temperatures and hear predators from greater distances. To survive in the desert, these animals don’t need to drink any water. Instead, they can get enough water from the food they eat. They have skin and hair in their nose and ears to prevent sand from getting inside.
83. Long-Eared Owl
- Scientific Name: Asio otus
- Habitat: Woodlands across North America, Eurasia, and Africa
- Size: 13 to 16 inches long
- Diet: Rodents, small birds, reptiles
When flying, long-eared owls are silent to help them sneak up on prey. However, their bleating calls can be heard up to 0.7 miles away. When they catch their prey, they often bite it in the back of the skull to kill it. Like other owls, they eat their prey whole and regurgitate the indigestible parts, such as bones. Instead of building their own nests, these owls lay their eggs in nests abandoned by other birds.
84. Long-Finned Pilot Whale
- Scientific Name: Globicephala melas
- Habitat: Cold and temperate waters of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Size: 2,900 to 5,000 pounds
- Diet: Fish, cephalopods, crustaceans
These whales are usually spotted in groups of 10 to 20 individuals. The groups usually contain significantly more females than males, and they could end up having up to 1,000 members. Long-finned pilot whales may spend time near dolphins and even sharks. They can dive up to 2,000 feet underwater, and they can stay under for up to 16 minutes. They dive into deep water to find fish and other sea creatures to feed on.
85. Long-Legged Wood Frog
- Scientific Name: Rana macrocnemis
- Habitat: Forests, marshes, and swamps of the Palearctic
- Size: 1.4 to 3 inches long
- Diet: Insects, arachnids, worms, slugs
Long-legged wood frogs, also called Caucasus frogs or Brusa frogs, are nocturnal amphibians that are found near freshwater. These frogs aren’t easy to spot because they blend in with the mud around them, but their population is stable. During winter, these frogs have been observed hibernating both in water and on land. They have tiny teeth in the roof of their mouths to help them hunt.
86. Long-Nosed Horned Frog
- Scientific Name: Megophrys nasuta
- Habitat: Rainforests of Thailand, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia
- Size: 3.9 to 4.7 inches long
- Diet: Spiders, lizards, small rodents, other frogs
The long-nosed horned frog’s unique appearance helps it blend into the leaf litter on rainforest floors. These frogs stay in damp areas. When hunting, they sit still while camouflaging so they can ambush passing prey. Their calls sound like loud “honks.” During the breeding season, females enter streams and attach their eggs to rocks or logs underwater.
87. Long-Nosed Leopard Lizard
- Scientific Name: Gambelia wislizenii
- Habitat: Arid and semi-arid plains of western United States and northern Mexico
- Size: 3.5 to 6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, small snakes, small rodents
Long-nosed leopard lizards have dark spots on their bodies like leopards. During the breeding season, orange spots appear on females’ sides. These reptiles are fierce predators that may hunt down prey larger than them. On rare occasions, these lizards will choke to death on prey that’s too big to swallow. They hunt prey by stalking it or ambushing it. When hunting, they will wait in the shadows of bushes because their spotted scales blend in with the shadows.
88. Long-Nosed Potoroo
- Scientific Name: Potorous tridactylus
- Habitat: Forests of shrublands of southeastern Australia
- Size: 13 to 15 inches long
- Diet: Roots, tubers, insects
Long-nosed potoroos are about the size of rabbits, but their bodies are shaped like kangaroos. Like kangaroos, they can jump high in the air if threatened. After leaving the birth canal, babies of this species develop for a few more months in the mother’s pouch. The further south these animals live, the longer their noses usually are. Their tails are semi-prehensile, so they can carry nesting materials with their tail if necessary.
89. Long-Nosed Snake
- Scientific Name: Rhinocheilus lecontei
- Habitat: Prairies and deserts of southwestern United States
- Size: 20 to 40 inches long
- Diet: Lizards, amphibians, smaller snakes, rodents
Like most black and red snakes, long-nosed snakes are nonvenomous. When threatened, they may defecate and release blood out of fear rather than attacking. They’re great at burrowing, so they will retreat under rocks or into crevices if they’re being hunted. They’re nocturnal, and they spend most of their time burrowed underground.
90. Long-Spine Porcupinefish
- Scientific Name: Diodon holocanthus
- Habitat: Reefs and shallow oceans worldwide
- Size: 12 to 29 inches long
- Diet: Mollusks, sea urchins, snails, crabs
These porcupinefish have long spines that puff out when they feel threatened. Their spines are thicker than the spines on a pufferfish. These fish aren’t poisonous, but their bodies could cut human skin. They might look cool, but they’re aggressive and predatory, so they don’t do well when kept near other fish. They swim slowly and may squeeze into crevices to rest. When hunting, they blow water at sand and eat the invertebrates that appear.
91. Long-Tailed Tit
- Scientific Name: Aegithalos caudatus
- Habitat: Woodlands, farmlands, parks, and gardens across Europe and central Asia
- Size: 5 to 6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, nuts, berries, insect larvae
The colors of these birds vary based on the region. Some have pure white feathers while others are mostly brown. They’re adaptable birds, so they don’t migrate in the winter, but they will gather in large groups that include other tit species. The birds in the flocks huddle together to keep warm. They mostly hunt insects, and they may hang upside-down to reach food. Their songs sound like high-pitched purrs.
92. Long-Tailed Weasel
- Scientific Name: Mustela frenata
- Habitat: Temperate and sub-tropical habitats across North America
- Size: 12 to 18 inches long
- Diet: Rodents, lizards, small birds
Long-tailed weasels are skilled predators with a fast metabolism. They can eat about 40% of their body weight in meat each day. When they capture prey, they crush the animal’s skull with their canine teeth. These creatures are always solitary outside of their mating season. They spend their time hiding in abandoned burrows left behind by other mammals. They’re nocturnal and highly territorial. When threatened, they may release a musky smell.
93. Long-Toed Salamander
- Scientific Name: Ambystoma macrodactylum
- Habitat: Forests of the Pacific Northwest
- Size: 2.13 to 3.25 inches long
- Diet: Insects, worms, tadpoles, small fish
Long-toed salamanders got their name because they usually have one toe that’s much longer than the others on their back feet. They spend most of their time near moist vegetation or in underground burrows. If it gets cold enough, they will hibernate in groups, but the salamanders living at low elevations may not hibernate at all. When they hibernate, they can survive off proteins stored in their tails. As a defense mechanism, these salamanders can release a sticky, poisonous substance from their bodies.
94. Longfin Mako Shark
- Scientific Name: Isurus paucus
- Habitat: Across the western Atlantic and central Pacific
- Size: Up to 14 feet long
- Diet: Schooling fish, cephalopods
Longfin mako sharks like to swim in deep waters between 200 and 700 feet below the surface. They have unique blood vessels that help them keep their body warmer than the water around them. While these sharks look intimidating, there are no reports of any attacking humans. The only natural predator of this species is orcas, but humans often catch these sharks in nets by mistake. They have a fast metabolism, so they need to eat at least 3% of their body weight in food daily.
95. Longhorn Cowfish
- Scientific Name: Lactoria cornuta
- Habitat: Coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific
- Size: 4 to 20 inches long
- Diet: Benthic algae, sponges, worms, mollusks, small crustaceans
Longhorn cowfish are incredible creatures to look at, but they’re poisonous and may release toxins if stressed. They contain enough poison to kill all the fish around them, which is why they’re not good aquarium fish. When they’re swimming, their fins move so fast that they look like they’re hovering in the water. To find aquatic invertebrates, they squirt water into the sand to make the substrate disperse. It’s not uncommon for their horns to break off, but luckily, they can regrow them.
96. Longnose Gar
- Scientific Name: Lepisosteus osseus
- Habitat: Rivers of the United States
- Size: 3 to 6 feet long
- Diet: Small fish and crustaceans
Longnose gars continue to grow throughout their lives, so younger gars might be only two feet while the oldest gars could exceed six feet. They usually live about 20 years. These fish can’t open their mouths wide, so they can only eat fish that are much smaller than them. They hunt by staying completely still and then ambushing prey when it swims by. Longnose gars have been on this planet for over 100 million years.
97. Loten’s Sunbird
- Scientific Name: Cinnyris lotenius
- Habitat: Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
- Size: 4.7 to 5.1 inches long
- Diet: Nectar, insects, spiders
Loten’s sunbirds have thin curved beaks to help them reach the nectar inside of flowers. They hover near flowers when feeding like hummingbirds do. The males have colorful, shiny feathers while females usually have dull brown and white feathers. During the mating season, females usually build the nests by themselves, and they also incubate the eggs alone. Females may reuse their nests in the future.
98. Lovely Poison Frog
- Scientific Name: Phyllobates lugubris
- Habitat: Humid lowland forests of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama
- Size: 0.73 to 0.94 inches
- Diet: Small insects
Not all lovely poison frogs have toxins because their toxicity comes from the food they eat, such as ants, mites, and beetles. If these frogs are born in captivity, they’re more likely to lack toxicity. Their bright yellow and blue coloring warns predators not to eat them. After female frogs lay their eggs, the males keep the eggs moist as needed and carry the offspring to a suitable area once they hatch. These frogs’ calls sound like high-pitched trills.
99. Lucifer Hummingbird
- Scientific Name: Calothorax lucifer
- Habitat: Desert habitats of northern and central Mexico
- Size: 3.5 to 3.9 inches long
- Diet: Nectar, small insects
Lucifer hummingbirds, also known as Lucifer sheartails, are tiny birds that stand out because of their vibrant purple throats. Like similar species, they feed on nectar by hovering near a flower and grabbing nectar with their long, narrow beaks. If there are tiny insects on the flower, they may eat those too. During their mating season, the males hover above the females and dive down quickly to attract the females’ attention. Then, females build their nests on desert shrubs or cacti.
100. Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo
- Scientific Name: Dendrolagus lumholtzi
- Habitat: Rainforests of northeastern Australia
- Size: 13 to 16 pounds
- Diet: Leaves, vines, shrubs, flowers
These bear-like mammals are the smallest species of tree kangaroo. They spend 99% of their time in the trees, but they’re able to jump up to 50 feet to the ground without getting hurt if they sense danger. They rarely interact with other animals, and they’re not aggressive. If they are on the ground, they can walk by standing on their back legs. Their fur grows in a way that causes water to run down their fur when they’re sleeping to help them stay dry.
101. Lumpfish
- Scientific Name: Cyclopterus lumpus
- Habitat: Shallow waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- Size: 20 to 24 inches long
- Diet: Worms, crustaceans, jellyfish, small fish
Lumpfish are also known as lumpsuckers because they have suction cups on their fins so they can attach to surfaces. Their lumpy, uneven body shape gives them a distinct appearance. They aren’t the strongest swimmers, so they often stay close to the ocean floor. They play an important role in the ecosystem because they eat sea lice, which harm the health of salmon if not controlled.
102. Luschan’s Salamander
- Scientific Name: Lyciasalamandra luschani
- Habitat: Near rocky limestone in Turkey and Greece
- Size: 6.5 to 7.1 inches long
- Diet: Insects, worms
Luschan’s salamanders, also known as Lycian salamanders, are most active during cool periods, which is also when they commonly mate. Females give birth to small salamanders rather than laying eggs, and they can only produce two offspring at a time. They’re one of the few salamanders that don’t rely on water to reproduce. They can release toxins from their skin if threatened, but their orange skin warns predators to stay away.
103. Luzon Bleeding-Heart
- Scientific Name: Gallicolumba luzonica
- Habitat: Forests of the Philippines
- Size: 11 to 12 inches long
- Diet: Seeds, berries, insects, worms
Luzon bleeding-hearts look like they have a bloody chest, but it’s just the coloring of their feathers. The red patches on males are larger and more vibrant than on females. The males are highly territorial and will let out a warning call if an animal gets too close. If the intruder doesn’t back off, these birds may try to fight them to the death. Yet, for the most part, these birds are quiet and keep to themselves. They forage for food by sifting through soil.
104. Lyle’s Flying Fox
- Scientific Name: Pteropus lylei
- Habitat: Tropical and sub-tropical forests of southern Asia
- Size: Up to a 6-foot wingspan
- Diet: Fruit, flowers, nectar
These bats have faces that resemble foxes, which is how they got their name. They roost in large colonies by hanging upside-down in the same tree. Up to 3,000 individuals may gather at a time. Some may travel up to 31 miles when foraging before resting at a new roosting site. They’re one of the largest bat species, but they only eat plants. Females only give birth to one offspring at a time, and the newborn pup clings to the mom’s body for several days.
Keep Learning About Animals!
Remember, these are only the species that start with the letter L. If this many species fall under one letter, imagine how many are included in the entire alphabet! So, if you love animals, you never need to stop learning. There’s always more to discover about the many incredible species on Earth.