No matter how much we learn about the animals of the world, there’s always more to discover. Some species are beloved by everyone while others are unknown to the average person.
In this post, we’ll be focusing on the animals that start with the letter F. You’ll be surprised by how many unique creatures fall into this category.
List of Animals That Start with F
Here are 90 animal species that start with the letter F.
1. Fahaka Pufferfish
- Scientific Name: Tetraodon lineatus
- Habitat: Open waters of Africa
- Size: Up to 1.5 feet long
- Diet: Crabs, shrimp, snails
This pufferfish species was first discovered in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus. Today, there are still many Fahaka pufferfish in the wild, but they’re also kept as pets by experienced owners. Despite their silly appearance, these fish are highly aggressive and don’t even like to be near other fish of the same species. They have large front teeth that they will fight with if they feel threatened. They also carry a toxin that will paralyze any creatures that eat them.
2. Fairy Basslet
- Scientific Name: Gramma loreto
- Habitat: Tropical reefs of the western Atlantic Ocean
- Size: 2 to 3 inches long
- Diet: Zooplankton, crustaceans
The fairy basslet, also known as the royal gramma, is mostly colorful except for the dark spot on its upper fin. That “false eyespot” is used to trick predators into thinking it’s an eye, giving the fish time to escape. These fish usually swim upside-down near the underside of rocks and other fish. While swimming with their belly up, they feed on parasites found on other creatures. All fairy basslets are born female, but as they age, dominant fish become males.
3. Fairy Martin
- Scientific Name: Petrochelidon ariel
- Habitat: Open areas near water across Australia
- Size: About 4.7 inches long
- Diet: Insects
Some people call fairy martins “bottle swallows” because they build bottle-shaped nests out of mud or clay. The nests are usually in dark areas, such as cave ceilings or under bridges. The males and females work together to build the nests and raise the young birds. Fairy martins usually travel in large flocks and capture flying insects in the air.
4. Fairy Pitta
- Scientific Name: Pitta nympha
- Habitat: Moist subtropoical forests of east Asia
- Size: 6.3 to 7.7 inches
- Diet: Insects, worms, spiders, slugs
Fairy pittas are often seen hopping around forest floors in search of insects, worms, and other small prey. They have high-pitched calls that usually consist of one or two notes. During their breeding season, these birds create large nests that they hide in rocky crevices or thick foliage. Sadly, deforestation has caused this species’ population to decrease over the years.
5. Fairy Prion
- Scientific Name: Pachyptila turtur
- Habitat: Coastal waters around New Zealand
- Size: 8 to 10 inches long
- Diet: Small crustaceans, fish, squid
Fairy prions usually hover above the sea in large flocks. They capture prey from shallow waters by diving down or scooping it off the surface. Some prions dig their own burrows while others take advantage of already existing caves. The parents of these birds feed and care for their chicks for the first few months of their lives. Then, the young birds go off on their own but return to their family’s flock at 2 or 3 years old. Yet, they won’t breed for the first time until they’re 3 to 4 years old.
6. Falcated Duck
- Scientific Name: Mareca falcata
- Habitat: Wetlands from Siberia and Mongolia to China and Japan
- Size: 18 to 21 inches
- Diet: Insects, vegetation, seeds
The falcated duck, also known as the falcated teal, is normally a quiet bird. However, these ducks become very vocal during the breeding season, which is from May to June. Falcated ducks dabble when searching for food, which means they quickly splash their bills in the water to retrieve prey near vegetation. They’re not picky, so they will eat a variety of insects, plants, and aquatic invertebrates.
7. Falkland Steamer Duck
- Scientific Name: Tachyeres brachypterus
- Habitat: Rugged shorelines of the Falkland Islands
- Size: 7.2 to 10.5 pounds
- Diet: Mollusks, crustaceans
Falkland steamer ducks look similar to flying steamer ducks, but the main difference between the two is that Falkland steamer ducks can’t fly. This species might have been able to fly many years ago, but today, the breed’s weight and wing size prevent these birds from lifting themselves off the ground. These ducks often live in family groups that include a male, a female, and their chicks. Before breeding, they may gather in groups of up to 300.
8. Fallow Deer
- Scientific Name: Dama dama
- Habitat: Forests and grasslands around the world
- Size: 100 to 180 pounds
- Diet: Grass, herbs, shrubs
The fallow deer species originated in the Mediterranean region of Europe, but it has since been introduced to areas of every continent except Antarctica. These deer have more color variants than almost all other deer species. Many of the deer have brown fur with white spots, but their coats can also be black, white, or solid brown. They’re nocturnal mammals with a wide range of vocalizations, including barks, bleats, mews, peeps, and wails.
9. False Cobra
- Scientific Name: Malpolon moilensis
- Habitat: Deserts of northern Africa and Middle East
- Size: 3 to 4.5 feet long
- Diet: Small mammals, lizards, baby birds, insects
The false cobra gets its name because when it feels threatened, it mimics cobras, which are much larger. These snakes will raise their heads, flatten their neck ribs, and hiss like a cobra to scare off predators. They’re venomous, but their venom isn’t life-threatening to humans like a cobra’s. They have a longer tail than most snakes, which takes up about 20% of their body. Despite having similar names, false cobras aren’t closely related to false water cobras.
10. False Killer Whale
- Scientific Name: Pseudorca crassidens
- Habitat: Tropical and temperate waters of all ocean basins
- Size: 2,600 to 4,000 pounds
- Diet: Fish, squid, marine mammals
The false killer whale is commonly mistaken for an orca, but it also shares similar characteristics to bottle-nosed dolphins. These marine mammals are very social, and they typically live in pods of up to 500 members. When hunting, the pods break up into groups of 30 or less. False killer whales are an intelligent species that sometimes snatch food right out of fishing lines. They will occasionally ride in the wake of ships to gain speed before leaping out over the wake.
11. False Network Catfish
- Scientific Name: Corydoras sodalis
- Habitat: Tropical freshwater in South America
- Size: Up to 1.9 inches long
- Diet: Worms, insects, benthic crustaceans, plant matter
The false network catfish is a type of corydoras catfish, so many people keep them as pets. These catfish are capable of breathing air because these fish have adapted to use their guts as air-breathing organs. So, you may see them come to the surface occasionally to take a gulp of air. Even though most fish don’t have eyelids, false network catfish can tilt their eyes in a way that makes it look like they’re blinking. Humans should be cautious around these fish because they have hard pectoral spines that can cut human skin.
12. False Percula Clownfish
- Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris
- Habitat: In the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean
- Size: About 3 inches long
- Diet: Algae, anemone tentacles, small shrimp
The false percula clownfish is also known as the ocellaris clownfish. As the name implies, they look very similar to true percula clownfish, and the main difference is their eyes. True perculas have more orange surrounding the pupil while false perculas have more black in their eyes. Like other clownfish species, these small fish live inside anemones because they have a coat of mucus that keeps them safe from the tentacles. The clownfish drive away fish that might harm the anemones, and in return, the anemones protect the clownfish.
13. False Scorpionfish
- Scientific Name: Centrogenys vaigiensis
- Habitat: Rocky reefs and rubble bottoms of the Indo-West Pacific
- Size: Up to 9.8 inches long
- Diet: Small fish, shrimp, crabs
The false scorpionfish is easy to miss because its brown patterned scales blend in perfectly with the sand, rocks, and coral around it. These fish usually stay in shallow waters and remain very still. They differ from true scorpionfish because they don’t have venom glands. However, their sharp dorsal spines can still cut human skin. Looking like a true scorpionfish protects them from predators since they might mistake them for venomous creatures.
14. False Water Cobra
- Scientific Name: Hydrodynastes gigas
- Habitat: Wet, tropical areas across Brazil
- Size: 4 to 10 feet long
- Diet: Fish, amphibians, small reptiles
These snakes can raise their hoods like cobras, but they don’t rear up when threatened. They also have scale patterns that resemble true water cobras, but they have several color morphs like lavender. They have some venom, but it’s not life-threatening to humans. However, the longer these snakes grip onto their victims, the more venom they inject. When hunting prey, they partially wrap their bodies around the animal before swallowing it whole.
15. False Widow Spider
- Scientific Name: Steatoda grossa
- Habitat: On walls, fences, and trees worldwide
- Size: 0.16 to 0.59 inches
- Diet: Insects, other spiders
False widow spiders are often mistaken for black widows, but false widows are harmless. However, these spiders will sometimes hunt black widows and other dangerous spiders. The main difference between false widows and black widows is that false widows have cream-colored markings instead of the red hourglass markings. False widows are suspected to come from the Canary Islands and Madeira, but they climbed onto packages, causing them to end up on all continents.
16. Familiar Chat
- Scientific Name: Cercomela familiaris
- Habitat: Rocky, mountainous areas of central and southern Africa
- Size: 5.5 to 5.9 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruit, seeds
These birds aren’t picky eaters, so they don’t mind flying near humans to pick up table scraps. They spend a lot of their time on the ground or in bushes, searching for invertebrates and seeds to snack on. Every time these birds hop, they usually flick their wings once or twice. They lay two to four beautiful eggs at a time that are green/blue with red/brown speckles.
17. Fangtooth Moray
- Scientific Name: Enchelycore anatina
- Habitat: Warm areas of the eastern Atlantic Ocean
- Size: Up to 47 inches long
- Diet: Benthic fish, crustaceans, cephalopods
Fangtooth morays look like creatures from horror movies, but luckily, you won’t find any close to where humans usually swim. Most of these morays live 10 to 200 feet below the surface. When they bite their prey with their glass-like teeth, they release a small amount of toxin into the body. The amount is too low to severely harm humans, but the bite will still be painful. Like similar species, they usually hide among rock and coral crevices so only their heads are showing.
18. Fan-Tailed Cuckoo
- Scientific Name: Cacomantis flabelliformis
- Habitat: Woodlands of Australia, Tasmania, and nearby islands
- Size: 9.8 to 10.6 inches long
- Diet: Insects, insect larvae
Fan-tailed cuckoos sit on a perch while they search for food, and then they capture the insects in mid-flight or on the ground. Once they catch an insect, they return to the same perch with their tail usually fanned out. Their calls are trills that are similar to a grasshopper’s chirp. They may also whistle to communicate with other birds. Their calls are common and can even be heard at night.
19. Fasciated Antshrike
- Scientific Name: Cymbilaimus lineatus
- Habitat: Tropical lowland forests of southern Central America and northern South America
- Size: 6.7 to 7.1 inches long
- Diet: Large insects, small frogs, small lizards
Fasciated antshrikes use their sharp beaks to grab large insects from vine clusters, tree trunks, and the forest floor. They will sometimes feed in flocks that include birds of other species, such as antwrens. These feeding flocks may follow ants and steal their food. Male fasciated antshrikes have a black and white pattern across their entire bodies while females have the same pattern but with a red/brown mark on their heads.
20. Fasciated Tiger Heron
- Scientific Name: Tigrisoma fasciatum
- Habitat: Along quick-moving streams from Costa Rica to central South America
- Size: 23 to 25 inches long
- Diet: Fish, insects
Fasciated tiger herons get their name from the stripe-like pattern in their feathers. These herons are usually seen alone while they stand on rocks in or near a fast-moving stream. When a fish swims by, these birds extend their necks and stab the prey with their beaks. They may also capture large insects if they can’t find fish. These birds usually stay in the same area year-round rather than migrating.
21. Fat Sand Rat
- Scientific Name: Psammomys obesus
- Habitat: Sandy deserts of northern Africa and the Middle East
- Size: 3 to 5 inches long
- Diet: Steams and leave from the amaranth family
Sand rats are capable of living without much moisture because their kidneys have adapted to produce more concentrated urine. Their “hands” are more efficient than other rodents. They will hold their food in one of their hands as they eat, and they’ll wipe off plants before eating them. When these critters sense danger, they’ll stand on their hind legs to look for a threat before running back to their burrows.
22. Fat-Tailed Dunnart
- Scientific Name: Sminthopsis crassicaudata
- Habitat: Open woodlands of Australia
- Size: 4 to 6 inches long
- Diet: Beetles, spiders, worms, slugs
About half of this animal’s length is its tail, so these are very tiny mammals. When they’re born, they’re the size of a grain of rice. They hunt at night, and they’re capable of eating the equivalent of their body weight in a day. They don’t need to drink any water because they get plenty of moisture from their food. If they need to save their energy, they may go into a dormant state during the day known as torpor.
23. Fea’s Muntjac
- Scientific Name: Muntiacus feae
- Habitat: Evergreen forests in southern Myanmar, Thailand, and China
- Size: 40 to 49 pounds
- Diet: Grass, leaves, shoots
Fea’s muntjacs give birth to their young in dense vegetation. The young stay hidden in that spot until they’re able to move on their own. Once full-grown, the adults spend their time searching for food alone during the day. They prefer to stay in forests with high elevations at around 8,500 feet. This species is named after zoologist Leonardo Fea.
24. Fennec Fox
- Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda
- Habitat: Arid deserts of northern Africa
- Size: 2.5 to 3.5 pounds
- Diet: Rodents, fruit, reptiles
Fennec foxes are small and cute, but they’re also fierce hunters. They have a great sense of hearing, so they can easily find underground prey. Since they live in deserts, their bodies have adapted to survive for long periods without water. Their kidneys can conserve water and their bodies can obtain moisture from the foods they eat. These mammals have thick fur on the soles of their feet to keep their paws safe from the hot desert sand.
25. Ferruginous Duck
- Scientific Name: Aythya nyroca
- Habitat: Freshwater lakes and marshes of Europe and southern Asia
- Size: 15 to 17 inches long
- Diet: Aquatic plants, mollusks, aquatic insects, small fish
These ducks will dive and dabble for food, depending on what prey is available. They’re shy birds, so they often hide among the reeds near bodies of water. During the breeding season, they will come into deep, open water more often to search for a mate. The main difference between males and females is their eyes. Male ferruginous ducks have bright-colored eyes while female eyes are darker.
26. Ferruginous Hawk
- Scientific Name: Buteo regalis
- Habitat: Open dry plains of North America
- Size: 2 to 5 pounds, 53 to 56 inch wingspan
- Diet: Rodents, rabbits, reptiles, small birds
Ferruginous hawks are excellent hunters. They can dive down at speeds up to 150 miles per hour, capturing the prey before it even knows it’s being hunted. This hunting method is great for keeping the rodent population controlled. These birds can either have light or dark feathers, but both have feathers on their legs, which is uncommon for hawks. These hawks are solitary creatures that prefer to hunt alone when they don’t have a mate.
27. Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
- Scientific Name: Glaucidium brasilianum
- Habitat: Deserts from southwestern United States to northern South America
- Size: About 6 inches tall
- Diet: Insects, rodents, lizards, birds
Ferruginous pygmy owls aren’t afraid to hunt down any animals smaller than them, including other birds. These little owls have been reported to hunt cardinals and meadowlarks. When hunting, they perch in the holes and crevices of trees before pouncing on their targets. These owls have patches of feathers on the backs of their heads known as “false eyes,” which they use to deceive their prey.
28. Festive Amazon
- Scientific Name: Amazona festiva
- Habitat: Forests of northern South America
- Size: About 13 inches long
- Diet: Fruits, vegetables, seeds
Festive amazons are colorful parrots that are often found in coastal mangroves. When perched in trees, these birds look mostly green, but when flying, their wings appear mostly dark blue. Juvenile birds have similar colors to adults, but they’re slightly duller. To communicate, these birds usually make a nasally “wah-wah” sound or screeches when in flight. In the wild, their population is slowly declining, but they’re sometimes kept as pets.
29. Field Sparrow
- Scientific Name: Spizella pusilla
- Habitat: Across eastern North America
- Size: 4.9 to 5.9 inches long
- Diet: Seeds, insects
Field sparrows aren’t as fearful as other sparrow species. When they get scared, they will fly to a nearby branch to observe what’s going on rather than fleeing. If possible, they will gather fallen seeds when foraging, but they will also pull seeds out of the ground if they need to. They hop up and down as they consume the seeds. If you see a group of field sparrows, they’re known as a “crue.”
30. Fieldfare
- Scientific Name: Turdus pilaris
- Habitat: Open areas across the Northern Hemisphere
- Size: About 10 inches long
- Diet: Insects, berries, seeds, mollusks
Fieldfares are most commonly found in the Eurasian region, but rare sightings occur in North America. They’re noisy birds that have a wide vocabulary of sounds, depending on what they’re trying to communicate. Actions like flying, perching, and alerting all have distinct sounds. The name fieldfare means “traveler through field” because they travel long distances when migrating, and they often gather in fields and other open spaces.
31. Fiery-Billed Aracari
- Scientific Name: Pteroglossus frantzii
- Habitat: Pacific slopes of Costa Rice and Panama
- Size: About 17 inches long
- Diet: Fruit, insects, lizards
These colorful birds travel in flocks of up to ten individuals. They sleep in tree cavities with up to five adults and their offspring. After mating, both males and females play an equal role in incubating the eggs and raising the chicks. Even after young aracaris leave the nest, the parents continue to feed them. They’re docile birds that get along well with any birds of a similar size.
32. Fiery-Throated Hummingbird
- Scientific Name: Panterpe insignis
- Habitat: Forests of Costa Rice and Panama
- Size: 4.1 to 4.3 inches long
- Diet: Nectar from flowers, shrubs, and small trees
Like most hummingbirds, these birds feed on nectar. If a flower is too deep for their bills to fit in, they will poke holes or use existing holes in the plant to reach the nectar inside. These hummingbirds can fly in all directions and they have a metabolism that’s about 100 times faster than an elephant’s metabolism. Each fiery-throated hummingbird has 1,000 to 1,500 feathers, which is the fewest amount of feathers on any bird.
33. Fiji Banded Iguana
- Scientific Name: Brachylophus fasciatus
- Habitat: Moist forests on the Fijian Islands
- Size: 7.5 inches long
- Diet: Leaves, fruit, flowers
Male Fiji banded iguanas have blue or light green stripes among their bright green scales, while females are solid green. These vibrant colors might seem like they would be easy to spot, but they’re perfect for camouflaging in the treetops. These reptiles love to climb, and they usually spend their time in trees 650 to 1,650 feet above sea level. However, they are also able to swim if they have to. They usually only leave the treetops to mate and lay eggs.
34. Fiji Parrotfinch
- Scientific Name: Erythrura pealii
- Habitat: Open habitats across Fiji
- Size: About 4 inches long
- Diet: Seeds, insects, nectar
These tiny birds love to be near water, so you’ll often see them jumping around in puddles and bird baths. They’re more likely to hang out in parks and gardens than deep in the forest. They bathe themselves several times a day, regardless of the season. They’re semi-nocturnal, so you might see them active both during the day and at night. These birds produce high-pitched calls that sound like “chee, chee, chee.”
35. Filfola Lizard
- Scientific Name: Podarcis filfolensis
- Habitat: Across Italy and Malta
- Size: About 11 inches long
- Diet: Small insects
The adult males of this species usually have brightly-colored scales, but the females and young lizards have dull coloring instead. Males can also be more territorial than females. A lizard will raise its head to make itself look bigger when another lizard enters the territory. Males may also use that behavior when trying to attract female fifola lizards. The females will usually lay one or two eggs at a time.
36. Fimbriated Moray
- Scientific Name: Gymnothorax fimbriatus
- Habitat: Tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area
- Size: Up to 31 inches long
- Diet: Small fish, crabs, shrimp
Fimbriated morays are also known as cheetah morays because of the spotted pattern on their skin. They are highly aggressive. They won’t go out of their way to harm humans, but they won’t hesitate to defend themselves using their sharp teeth. They’re also able to secrete mucus from their skin that has some toxins in it. These eels spend most of their time hiding in crevices, and then they come out at night to hunt any creatures smaller than them.
37. Fin Whale
- Scientific Name: Balaenoptera Physalus
- Habitat: Deep offshore waters of all oceans
- Size: 4,000 to 150,000 pounds
- Diet: Krill, fish, squid
Fin whales are some of the largest creatures to ever exist on this planet, but sadly, they’re endangered. Up until the last century, these whales were hunted commercially, but now, they’re slowly making a comeback. Inside their mouths, they have 260 to 480 baleen plates that help them filter out food when inhaling water. Despite being so large, these aquatic creatures are fast and agile, reaching up to 25 miles per hour.
38. Fine-Spotted Woodpecker
- Scientific Name: Campethera punctuligera
- Habitat: Open forests in central and western Africa
- Size: About 8.6 centimeters long
- Diet: Termites, other insects
Fine-spotted woodpeckers are excellent at controlling the termite population. They often peck at termite mounds and eat other insects off the ground. Their pointy bills and long tongues are perfect for capturing insects from crevices. When it’s time to lay eggs, these birds create nests in tree holes, and their preferred tree is the oil palm. They have a distinct call that sounds like “wik-wik-wee-wee-yuu.”
39. Finnish Spitz
- Scientific Name: Canis familiaris
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 15 to 29 pounds
- Diet: Domestic dog food
Finnish Spitzes have been the national dog breed of Finland since 1979. They were bred as hunting dogs, helping track down even large animals like elk. Today, they can make great family pets, but they require lots of training. They’re vocal dogs because they bark to notify their humans of prey. They’re also heavy shedders, but many families adore them for their friendly, outgoing personalities.
40. Fiordland Penguin
- Scientific Name: Eudyptes pachyrhynchus
- Habitat: Temperate rainforests of New Zealand
- Size: 8 to 9 pounds
- Diet: Small fish, fish larvae, crustaceans
Fiordland penguins don’t need their climate to be as frigid as most penguin species. Instead, they live in cold, dense rainforests in New Zealand. Many of these penguins spend 75% of their lives in the sea, and sometimes, they grow barnacles on their tails as a result. These penguins often lay two eggs, but only one usually survives. The second-laid egg typically results in a larger chick, so the parents will abandon the chick from the first-laid egg.
41. Fire Eel
- Scientific Name: Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
- Habitat: Rivers and lakes in southeast Asia
- Size: 20 to 40 inches long
- Diet: Bloodworms, shrimp, small fish
Fire eels aren’t true eels, but instead, they’re elongated freshwater fish. They have pointy snouts and spiny backs, which aren’t characteristics of typical eels. They’re nocturnal creatures that spend their time at the bottom of lakes and rivers. Most of the time, the males and females look the same, but during mating season, the male’s colors become brighter.
42. Fire Goby
- Scientific Name: Nemateleotris magnifica
- Habitat: Across the Indian and Pacific oceans
- Size: 2 to 3 inches long
- Diet: Algae, zooplankton, small shrimp
The fire goby, also known as the firefish goby, stands out because of its tall dorsal fin, which is used to alert other fish of threats. Since these fish have such a majestic appearance, they’re often kept as pets. Their unique color pattern isn’t found on any other species of fish. In captivity, these fish are often bullied by larger fish, which can stress them out to the point of not eating at all. So, they should only be kept with similar fish.
43. Fire Salamander
- Scientific Name: Salamandra salamandra
- Habitat: Forests across Europe
- Size: 6 to 12 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, worms, slugs
Fire salamanders got their name because people used to believe they were born in fire. The salamanders often hide in wood, so when wood was thrown on the fire, they would scurry away, causing the rumor to start. They’re some of the largest salamanders native to Europe, but they’re also commonly kept as pets. Unlike most salamander species, these amphibians give birth to live salamanders rather than aquatic larvae. Fire salamanders can protect themselves by spraying poison at predators. Yet, they’re not dangerous to humans unless the poison is ingested.
44. Fire-Eyed Diucon
- Scientific Name: Xolmis pyrope
- Habitat: Open woodlands of southern South America
- Size: 7 t0 8 inches long
- Diet: Insects
Not much is known about this small bird, but it can be distinguished by its light gray feathers and bright red eyes. Fire-eyed diucons are most commonly found in open woodlands, but they can also be seen in other areas with tall trees, such as farms, parks, and gardens. They usually hang out solo or in pairs, and they’re usually seen perched on trees or wires.
45. Fire-Tufted Barbet
- Scientific Name: Psilopogon pyrolophus
- Habitat: Tropical forests near Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra
- Size: About 12 inches long
- Diet: Fruit, insects
Both males and females of this species have feathery tufts above their beaks, but only the males’ are colored like fire. Females’ tufts are duller colors. These birds usually spend their time alone or in pairs so they can hide among dense foliage and tree crevices. Their preferred food is figs, but they will seek out insects and other fruits if figs aren’t available. Their distinctive call is often compared to the sounds cicadas make.
46. Fish Crow
- Scientific Name: Corvus ossifragus
- Habitat: Along the coast of the eastern United States
- Size: 14 to 16 inches long
- Diet: Carrion, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, insects
Fish crows aren’t picky eaters, so they’ll eat whatever they can find, even if it’s already deceased. They’re social birds, so they’re often seen in pairs during mating season and in large groups when migrating. They may even hang out with other species of crows, such as American crows. When these crows make calls, they puff out their feathers, especially around their necks and bodies.
47. Fisher
- Scientific Name: Pekania pennanti
- Habitat: Boreal forests in Canada and northern United States
- Size: 3 to 15 pounds
- Diet: Rodents, birds, hares, fruits
Fishers are often called “fisher cats,” which is misleading because they’re a type of weasel, not a feline. They also rarely eat fish, despite their name. However, they are still fierce hunters, and they’re one of the only animals brave enough to hunt porcupines. They’re brave, willing to take on animals over twice their size, like lynx. These mammals usually live alone and defend a territory that’s up to a few square miles.
48. Fishing Cat
- Scientific Name: Prionailurus viverrinus
- Habitat: Wetland habitats in southeast Asia
- Size: 12 to 18 pounds
- Diet: Fish, shellfish, snakes
Unlike most other cat species, fishing cats are excellent swimmers because of the slight webbing in between their toes. They hunt at night, waiting by the water’s shore to lunge at prey. They will swim after prey that tries to escape. While aquatic animals make up the majority of this feline’s diet, they’re adaptable and will hunt land animals if needed. These cats are rarely seen by humans, but sometimes they accidentally get caught in traps meant for other animals.
49. Fiveband Barb
- Scientific Name: Desmopuntius pentazona
- Habitat: Blackwater streams and peat swamps of northwestern Borneo
- Size: Up to 3.5 inches long
- Diet: Algae, crustaceans, worms
Fiveband barbs are docile fish that are only native to Borneo, however, they can also be kept as pets. They like to be around a few other fish of the same species. They can coexist with other docile barbs, but they will only swim with other fiveband barbs. If these fish are ever isolated from fish of the same species, they may display aggressive behaviors. They like to hunt their prey, so they’re most likely to seek out food that moves in the water.
50. Flagtail Catfish
- Scientific Name: Dianema urostriatum
- Habitat: Slow-moving water of the Amazon Basin
- Size: Up to 4.9 inches long
- Diet: Plants, small crustaceans, worms
Flagtail catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that will usually eat just about anything that fits in their mouths. They like to be around fish of the same species, but they may act aggressively when fighting for food. They may release a toxic substance when touched, but it will only cause mild irritation to humans. Like similar species, these catfish can use their intestines to breathe air. So, you may see them come to the water’s surface now and then.
51. Flame Angelfish
- Scientific Name: Centropyge loricula
- Habitat: Tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific Ocean
- Size: 4 to 6 inches long
- Diet: Algae, microorganisms, small crustaceans
Flame angelfish are one of the most common dwarf angelfish that are kept in captivity. They might be beautiful, but in the wild and as pets, they can be territorial too. They may bully smaller creatures, so they do best around fish of a similar size and temperament. They typically search for food on rocks and coral throughout the day, and a large portion of their diet consists of algae. However, they need occasional meat to thrive.
52. Flame Robin
- Scientific Name: Petroica phoenicea
- Habitat: Woodlands of southeastern Australia
- Size: 4.7 to 5.5 inches long
- Diet: Insects, spiders
The colors on a flame robin are much more distinct than on an American robin. Their back feathers are dark gray or black while their chest is a vibrant red color, like a flame. However, the females’ colors are more muted than the males’ colors. These birds primarily eat insects, and they will hunt by perching in a tree before pouncing on their prey. They’re territorial birds that won’t hesitate to defend their territory from threatening animals.
53. Flame-Colored Tanager
- Scientific Name: Piranga bidentata
- Habitat: Humid montane forests of Mexico and Central America
- Size: 7 to 7.5 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fruits
While flame-colored tanagers are most common in Mexico and Central America, a few have been spotted in the United States since 1985. They’re closely related to Western tanagers, and they even have a similar call, but Western tanagers are more yellow than orange and red. During mating season, females build cup-shaped nests out of grass, and both parents help raise the young birds once they hatch.
54. Flaming Sunbird
- Scientific Name: Aethopyga flagrans
- Habitat: Tropical lowland forests of northern Philippines
- Size: 3 to 8 inches long
- Diet: Nectar, insects
Flaming sunbirds have long, curved beaks like hummingbirds to help them get nectar from plants. Females are a dull yellow color while males are dark yellow with black around their faces and patches of orange on their chests. When communicating with each other, they have a high-pitched call that sounds like “chik-chik.” Not much is known about this beautiful species, but their population is thriving in the Philippines.
55. Flathead Snake
- Scientific Name: Tantilla gracilis
- Habitat: Limestone hillsides of central United States
- Size: 8 inches long
- Diet: Spiders, centipedes, insects
At first glance, these smooth, tiny snakes might be mistaken for large worms. Yet, they’re fierce hunters. They have venom glands in their rear fangs, so they can bite prey to subdue it. However, these snakes aren’t a threat to humans. Not much is known about this species, but these snakes are likely nocturnal. They hide under rocks, logs, or moist debris during the day.
56. Flat-Headed Cat
- Scientific Name: Prionailurus planiceps
- Habitat: Near wetlands in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and Sumatra
- Size: 3.5 to 7.5 pounds
- Diet: Fish, frogs, small rodents
Flat-headed cats are about the same size as domesticated cats, but they stand out because of their tiny ears and large eyes. They’re solitary creatures that primarily hunt animals that live near water. They will sometimes wash their prey before eating it like raccoons do. The species is endangered because a lot of their wetland habitats have been destroyed. There are less than 2,500 of these felines remaining.
57. Flavescent Bulbul
- Scientific Name: Pycnonotus flavescens
- Habitat: Tropical forests of southeastern Asia
- Size: About 8.6 inches long
- Diet: Small fruit
Flavescent bulbuls have a unique mixture of yellow and gray feathers. They prefer to live in tropical and subtropical forests of mountainous regions. They tend to perch on tall plants and make repetitive chirping sounds when communicating with other birds. While not much is known about this species, their population is stable across southeastern Asia.
58. Flightless Cormorant
- Scientific Name: Nannopterum harrisi
- Habitat: Rocky shores of the Galapagos Islands
- Size: 5.5 to 11 pounds
- Diet: Eels, octopuses, fish
Flightless cormorants are confined to the Galapagos Islands because they’re unable to fly to other areas. They’re the heaviest type of cormorant and the only one that cannot fly due to their stunted wings. Their wings are only a third of the size required for flight. When they dive underwater, they use their legs to propel them, and they spear prey using their beaks.
59. Florida Gar
- Scientific Name: Lepisosteus platyrhincus
- Habitat: Rivers, lakes, and canals of Florida and southeastern Georgia
- Size: 13 to 34 inches
- Diet: Fish, shrimp, crayfish
These fish are part of a group of gars that date back over 100 million years. They’re rarely hunted commercially, so their population continues to thrive today. However, Native Americans used to use them for their hides and scales. Florida gars burrow in sediment during dry seasons and can go for long periods without food. The eggs they lay are highly toxic to prevent predators from hunting them. That’s the only defense eggs have since the parents don’t stick around.
60. Florida Panther
- Scientific Name: Puma concolor coryi
- Habitat: Forests and grasslands of Florida
- Size: 100 to 160 pounds
- Diet: White-tailed deer, wild hogs
Florida panthers are at risk of extinction, with less than 200 left in the wild. Even though they’re at the top of the food chain in Florida, habitat loss keeps contributing to their decline. Each cat needs a large territory, with males occupying about 500 square miles of territory and females protecting about 75 square miles. These felines rely mostly on white-tailed deer for their diets, and each one eats around 40 deer per year.
61. Florida Pompano
- Scientific Name: Trachinotus carolinus
- Habitat: Inshore and nearshore waters from Massachusetts to Brazil
- Size: Up to 8 pounds and 24 inches
- Diet: Mollusks, crustaceans
Despite the name, these fish have a much larger range than just Florida. They like warm waters between 70 and 89 degrees Fahrenheit, so they migrate north in the summer, reaching as far as Massachusetts. They’re most commonly seen near sandy beaches and seagrass beds, but they can be found as deep as 130 feet below the surface. Pompanos are commonly caught for food because it’s easy to evenly cook the meat on all sides.
62. Florida Scrub Lizard
- Scientific Name: Sceloporus woodi
- Habitat: Forests of Florida
- Size: About 5 inches long
- Diet: Insects, small arthropods
Florida scrub lizards are only native to Florida, and they’re most active on hot days. These lizards are often mistaken for other tiny lizards running around, such as brown anoles. However, they are not as abundant as other lizard species, and they’re considered “near-threatened” due to habitat loss. They prefer exploring open areas rather than dense vegetation. They perch on low tree trucks, where they watch for prey while basking in the sun.
63. Florida Woods Cockroach
- Scientific Name: Eurycotis floridana
- Habitat: Warm, moist areas of Florida and Georgia
- Size: 30 to 40 millimeters long
- Diet: Decaying plant and animal matter
The Florida woods cockroach is usually called the palmetto bug because they often live in palmetto trees. Unlike other cockroach species, these critters cannot fly. They have hard structures on their backs instead of wings. These cockroaches are most attracted to leaf litter, so if you have an infestation, remove any green waste that’s near your home.
64. Flying Gurnard
- Scientific Name: Dactylopterus volitans
- Habitat: Tropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
- Size: 16 to 20 inches long
- Diet: Worms, shrimp, bottom-dwelling fish
Flying gurnards are beautiful bottom-dwelling fish that are distinguished by their large wing-like fins. These fish will spread their “wings” when they get excited, and they can use them to glide up in the water or scare away predators. However, instead of flying with those fins, these creatures move as if they’re walking along the ocean floor. These fish are related to scorpionfish, but unlike their distant cousins, they don’t have any venom.
65. Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
- Scientific Name: Rana boylii
- Habitat: Near Pacific drainages of the western United States
- Size: 1.5 to 3 inches long
- Diet: Insects
These frogs have gray, brown, or red colors on their backs with bright yellow undersides. They spend almost all their time in the water, and they will always swim to the bottom of a body of water if they feel threatened. They’re most active during warmer months, and they hibernate in the winter. This species is near threatened due to a wide range of threats, including climate change, pollution, and invasive species.
66. Forest Cobra
- Scientific Name: Naja melanoleuca
- Habitat: Near water in western Africa
- Size: 4.6 to 7.2 feet
- Diet: Small mammals, other snakes, amphibians
These snakes can’t spit venom the way other cobras can, but they’re still highly dangerous. They don’t bite humans often, but when they do, it’s almost always fatal. These reptiles have three different colors, which vary based on where the cobras live. They’re most active during the day, and they’re capable of swimming and climbing if needed. They’re not picky about their prey, and they’ll hunt just about anything that fits in their mouths.
67. Forest Kingfisher
- Scientific Name: Todiramphus macleayii
- Habitat: Forests across Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia
- Size: 8.5 to 10 inches long
- Diet: Insects, amphibians, lizards
It’s hard to miss a forest kingfisher due to the bird’s vibrant blue feathers. These birds usually perch on trees and wires while looking for prey. They will pounce on ground-dwelling prey and strike flying creatures in mid-flight. If the prey doesn’t die when they capture it, they will hit it against a branch to kill it. The most common calls of these birds are described as a high-pitched whistle and a “machine gun” sound.
68. Fork-Tailed Drongo
- Scientific Name: Dicrurus adsimilis
- Habitat: Open forests of southern Africa
- Size: 9 to 10 inches long
- Diet: Insects
Fork-tailed drongos often consume pests, such as ticks and parasites, off mammals. While they’re mostly insectivorous, they’re adaptable and will eat other small animals if needed. These birds can mimic the calls of other animals to distract other creatures long enough to steal their prey. They’re not afraid to annoy animals of all sizes, and they will act aggressively toward anyone that comes near their nests.
69. Fork-Tailed Woodnymph
- Scientific Name: Thalurania furcata
- Habitat: Tropical forests of northern South America
- Size: 3.5 to 4.7 inches long
- Diet: Nectar
Fork-tailed woodnymphs are hummingbirds with vibrant green, blue, and violet plumage. The females aren’t as colorful as the males, so they’re usually green on top with gray bellies. Both sexes have long, slightly drooping bills to allow them to reach the nectar of a variety of plants. They prefer nectar from flowers with a high sugar content, which are usually red or tube-shaped. They can lick the nectar from a plant up to 13 times in one second.
70. Fossa
- Scientific Name: Cryptoprocta ferox
- Habitat: Dense tropical forests of Madagascar
- Size: 15 to 30 pounds
- Diet: Lemurs, frogs, lizards
Fossas are mongoose-like animals that are native only to Madagascar. They’re solitary mammals that usually hunt at night, specifically targeting lemurs. However, if food is scarce, they can adapt to hunt during the day too. Despite being medium-sized, these mammals are the largest predators on Madagascar, so they have no natural predators. However, humans sometimes hunt them to protect their livestock.
71. Four-Horned Antelope
- Scientific Name: Tetracerus quadricornis
- Habitat: Open, dry forests of India and Nepal
- Size: 35 to 55 pounds
- Diet: Grass, fruit, shoots
It’s hard to tell at first glance, but these mammals have a tiny set of horns in front of their larger horns. These animals are rare and normally solitary, but they may form groups of up to five on rare occasions. They avoid human settlements and prefer to stay in areas that have dense vegetation to hide in. When startled, these antelope quickly run and leap away. Sadly, their population is vulnerable because their unique four-horned skulls are sought out by trophy hunters.
72. Four-Lined Snake
- Scientific Name: Elaphe quatuorlineata
- Habitat: Across southern Europe
- Size: About 6 feet long
- Diet: Small mammals, birds, lizards
The four-lined snake is one of Europe’s largest snakes. Not only can they measure over 6 feet long, but they can also weigh several pounds. Despite their intimidating appearance, they’re non-venomous and calmer than most snakes. They spend their time hiding in vegetation, deserted buildings, and deserted animal burrows. They can also climb trees if needed.
73. Four-Toed Salamander
- Scientific Name: Hemidactylium scutatum
- Habitat: Moist woodlands of eastern North America
- Size: 2 to 4 inches long
- Diet: Spiders, ticks, flies
Four-toed salamanders are a species of lungless salamander, so they can breathe through their skin. They look a lot like redback salamanders, but four-toed salamanders have a speckled underside. As an act of self-defense, these amphibians will either drop their tails, play dead, or curl up with their tails on their backs. Like similar species, four-toed salamanders can regrow their tails and other body parts.
74. Fowler’s Toad
- Scientific Name: Anaxyrus fowleri
- Habitat: Across the eastern United States
- Size: 2 to 3.5 inches
- Diet: Insects, snails, worms
Fowler’s toads are terrestrial amphibians that are most active at night. Their calls are often compared to a sheep bleating. Female Fowler’s toads can lay up to 20,000 eggs at a time, and the tadpoles become frogs within two months of hatching. The eggs are usually laid in the spring, shortly after heavy rain. This species can be distinguished from American toads because they have at least three warts within each dark spot on their backs.
75. Fox Sparrow
- Scientific Name: Passerella iliaca
- Habitat: Coniferous forests across North America
- Size: 6 to 7.5 inches long
- Diet: Seeds, insects
Fox sparrows spend most of their time near the ground to search for food. They will kick away debris to locate seeds and insects. They’re more likely to pick at the ground beneath a bird feeder than perch on the feeder. These birds will usually stay close to a safe area they can retreat to if they sense danger. When it’s warm out, they often make a pleasant whistling sound. They might seem small and sweet, but they won’t hesitate to defend their nesting territory.
76. Fox Squirrel
- Scientific Name: Sciurus niger
- Habitat: Open habitats of central and eastern United States
- Size: 20 to 30 inches long
- Diet: Nuts, insects, flowers
The fox squirrel goes by many names, but it’s a common squirrel in North America with a mix of gray and red fur. They are agile critters that can jump several feet from one tree to the next. They can also jump from heights up to 20 feet while still landing safely. These squirrels have flexible joint ankles, so their feet can turn up to 180 degrees. Rather than relying on noises, these rodents communicate with each other using scents.
77. François’ Leaf Monkey
- Scientific Name: Trachypithecus francoisi
- Habitat: Moist forests in southeastern Asia
- Size: 13 to 16 pounds
- Diet: Leaves, fruits, seeds
François’ leaf monkey, also known as François’ langur, can be distinguished by its white “sideburns.” They’re social mammals that like to hang out in groups of up to 27. In each monkey society, the females work together to care for all the young. During the day, these animals spend their time jumping from tree to tree, but they prefer to sleep in limestone caves to avoid predators. They usually return to the same sleeping area each day.
78. Franklin’s Ground Squirrel
- Scientific Name: Poliocitellus franklinii
- Habitat: Tall grass prairies of Ontario, Manitoba, and the Midwest United States
- Size: 14 to 16 inches
- Diet: Grass, clovers, fruit
These ground squirrels like to be in areas with tall grass, but they prefer the grass to be just short enough so they can see over it when standing on their hind legs. They spend about 90% of their days underground, and they can dig burrows as deep as eight feet. In the late summer, they start building up extra fat so they can hibernate in the winter. They primarily eat plants but will also consume small animals if needed.
79. Franklin’s Gull
- Scientific Name: Leucophaeus pipixcan
- Habitat: Marshes of North America and western South America
- Size: 12 to 15 inches long
- Diet: Insects, fish
Breeding adults have a black head that stands out from other birds, but these gulls have much lighter feathers near their faces when it’s not breeding season. Their bills also turn bright red during the breeding season. They usually capture prey in mid-flight by grabbing it from the ground, air, or water’s surface. They will also float along the water and scoop up prey that way.
80. Fraser’s Dolphin
- Scientific Name: Lagenodelphis hosei
- Habitat: Temperate and tropical waters worldwide
- Size: 360 to 440 pounds
- Diet: Fish, crustaceans, cephalopods
These dolphins usually travel in large groups of 10 to 100 dolphins, but some groups can reach up to 1,000 individuals. Scientist Francis Fraser first talked about this species in 1956 after finding a skull washed up on shore. Yet, it wasn’t until 1971 that these aquatic creatures were seen alive. Fraser’s dolphins can dive up to 2,000 feet to capture prey. Even though they have lots of sharp teeth, they usually swallow food whole instead of chewing it.
81. Freckled Duck
- Scientific Name: Stictonetta naevosa
- Habitat: Freshwater swamps across Australia
- Size: 20 to 25 inches long
- Diet: Aquatic plants, seeds, small fish, snails
Freckled ducks have dark feathers with light patches that resemble “freckles.” Their upturned beaks are usually a dark color too, but during mating season, the base of the male’s beak turns red. When searching for food, these birds usually “filter-feed,” which means they use their beaks to sift through sand and mud to find food. They’re quiet birds, so you won’t hear them quacking like other ducks. Yet, they may hiss or growl if they feel threatened.
82. French Angelfish
- Scientific Name: Pomacanthus paru
- Habitat: In the Atlantic Ocean near Florida, the Bahamas, and Brazil
- Size: 16 to 24 inches long
- Diet: Algae, sponges, worms
These angelfish always have dark-colored bodies with bright yellow markings, but the yellow fades as they age. They are territorial fish that usually live alone or in pairs. However, they tend to be curious around scuba divers. They’re usually found near coral reefs with crevices to hide in. These angelfish are important to the ecosystem because they have “cleaning stations” where they will remove parasites from fish that pass.
83. Freshwater Butterflyfish
- Scientific Name: Pantodon buchholzi
- Habitat: Slightly acidic waters in western Africa
- Size: Up to 5 inches long
- Diet: Flies, mosquito larvae, worms, small fish
Freshwater butterflyfish, also known as African butterflyfish, aren’t closely related to saltwater butterflyfish. This species has dull scales with long fins on the sides that resemble butterfly wings. These fish have small sensors all over their bodies to help them move around and communicate with each other. These fish are sometimes kept as pets, but they need a tight lid on their aquarium because they can jump high. They’re most likely to jump when they sense danger.
84. Freshwater Crocodile
- Scientific Name: Crocodylus johnstoni
- Habitat: Bodies of freshwater in northern Australia
- Size: 88 to 220 pounds, 7.5 to 9.8 feet long
- Diet: Fish, frogs, insects, lizards
Freshwater crocodiles might look frightening, but they’re not much of a threat to humans. They have 70 teeth that are often being replaced, yet, they still prefer to eat insects. Like several other reptile species, the sex of the young can be determined by the temperature of the egg. Warmer eggs are more likely to be females. Their sexual maturity is determined by their size, not their age. Most of these crocodiles are considered adults when they reach 4.9 feet long.
85. Freshwater Jellyfish
- Scientific Name: Craspedacusta sowerbyi
- Habitat: Bodies of freshwater worldwide
- Size: About 2 centimeters
- Diet: Zooplankton
The freshwater jellyfish is native to the Yangtze River in China, but since then, it has been distributed to freshwater on all continents except Antarctica. These creatures are more adaptable than other jellyfish because their only requirement is that the water needs to be calm. These jellyfish can have as many as 400 tentacles of varying lengths. They use their tentacles to paralyze their prey, but they can’t harm human skin.
86. Friesian
- Scientific Name: Friesian
- Habitat: Domesticated
- Size: 1,200 to 1,400 pounds
- Diet: Grass, hay
Friesian horses are an ancient breed with evidence dating back before the year 1200. These horses were often used in battle, including when King Louis II rode one during a battle in the 1500s. Black is the most common coat color for these horses, but they can also be chestnut brown on rare occasions. They are loyal horses that have a calm, gentle nature, despite being used for wars in the past.
87. Frilled Lizard
- Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus kingii
- Habitat: Tropical forests and woodlands of Australia
- Size: 1 to 2 pounds, 2 to 3 feet long
- Diet: Insects, spiders, rodents
Frilled lizards are also known as frilled-neck lizards and frilled dragons. They got these nicknames because they can lift a flap of skin around their necks to scare off predators. These lizards aren’t venomous at all, but their frills can trick predators into thinking they are. Frilled lizards can run up to 30 miles per hour, and they can stand on their hind legs to run if needed. When they run, their legs move like they’re riding a bicycle.
88. Fringed Tree Frog
- Scientific Name: Cruziohyla crapesopus
- Habitat: Subtropical and tropical forests in South America
- Size: 2 to 3 inches
- Diet: Insects
Even though these frogs are rarely seen, their population is thriving. They live at elevations between 160 and 1,970 feet. They hang out on low branches of trees and utilize fallen trees when laying eggs. They look for small pools of water in the trees to deposit their tiny eggs. Then, they don’t have to travel far from the canopies during mating season.
89. Fulvous Whistling Duck
- Scientific Name: Dendrocygna bicolor
- Habitat: Freshwater wetlands from southern United States to northern South America
- Size: 18 to 21 inches long
- Diet: Aquatic plant seeds, invertebrates
The fulvous whistling duck often makes a hoarse whistling sound, which is how the breed got its name. These ducks are mostly nocturnal, so they migrate at night and get their rest during the day. They’re tamer than most wild birds, and it’s not hard to domesticate them. When they search for food, they often sift through the mud to find seeds and invertebrates. The mating pairs of these ducks stay together for many years and help each other raise offspring.
90. Furrowed Wood Turtle
- Scientific Name: Rhinoclemmys areolata
- Habitat: Forests near the Yucatán Peninsula
- Size: Up to 3 pounds
- Diet: Vegetation, fruit, insects
In the wild, this species of turtle is near-threatened, but some people are breeding and raising them in captivity. They’re closely related to box turtles, and both species spend almost all their time on land rather than in and near water. Furrowed wood turtles aren’t picky eaters, so they’ll eat almost any plants and insects they can find. They’re intelligent turtles that can easily pick up a routine.
Surrounded by Fantastic Creatures!
All around the world, there are incredible animals that have names starting with the letter F. Powerful mammals, colorful birds, and even tiny insects are all part of this category. So, imagine how many animals exist if we take a look at all letters of the alphabet. There are always more wonderful creatures for us to be amazed by.